On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

The ‘do-it-yourself’ New Zealand injecting scene: Implications for harm reduction
In this commentary Magdalena Harris addresses the growing use of 'krokodil’ by people who inject drugs (PWID) in Eurasia and how this home produced injectable opiate poses a number of challenges for harm reduction policy, by using the rarely researched case of home produced injectable opioid use in New Zealand as an example.
IDHDP March 13 Newsletter
This issue highlights news, upcoming conferences, new publications, and more.
What effect drug policy has on treatment and why we need to be involved
Chris Ford outlines in SMMGP’s March 2013 newsletter the effects of failed drug policies on health and argues that doctors have an important role in shaping and influencing a healthier approach to drug policy.
Landmark study calls for greater investment in evidence-based healthcare and harm reduction initiatives for injection drug users in Thailand to save lives, prevent HIV infections
"A new study from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BCCfE), Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group (TTAG) and Thailand’s Mitsampan Community Research Project, finds the Thai government’s longstanding war-on-drugs, involving the mass incarceration of people who use drugs, has failed to suppress the availability and use of illegal drugs in the country."
The UN on Drugs: Trends in 2013
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) is the leading decision making body of the United Nations on drug policy issues. The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) attended the 2013 annual meeting in Vienna and interviewed key decision makers and professionals to map the new trends in international drug control.
National Treatment Indicators Report 2010–2011 Data
The purpose of the National Treatment Indicators (NTI) project is to provide a comprehensive picture of substance use treatment in Canada. The data presented in this report illustrate the potential wealth of information available as the project continues to improve data collection and increase participation.
Canadian National strategy to address the harms associated with prescription drugs
The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), in partnership with the National Advisory Council (NAC) on Prescription Drug Misuse, has released a comprehensive 10-year, pan-Canadian prescription drug strategy.
Tuberculosis: a disease that continues to kill
Editorial by Michel Kazatchkine, IDHDP patron in the Huff post on International Tuberculosis Day. The day “is there to remind us that this disease which some believe belongs to earlier centuries, continues to kill on a massive scale in the world, and acquires new resistant forms that are particularly threatening. And as is so often the case in the history of epidemics, it is the poor and marginalized who are the first victims".
Students Launch Campaign to Allow Needle and Syringe Exchange Programs in Florida
"Four Miller School students have launched a grassroots campaign aimed at convincing state lawmakers to allow the transfer of clean needles and syringes to people who inject illegal drugs, an infection-control practice authorized in 35 other states but illegal in Florida."
The Global Fund's new funding model: what it might mean for you and your country
Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) reports that "Recipients of the Global Fund in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) have serious reservations about the new funding model (NFM) being launched by the Global Fund in 2013. HIV and TB epidemics continue to grow across the region and people living with and / or affected by the 3 key diseases (i.e. HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria) experience persistent health and human rights challenges."
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