On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

IDHDP May 13 Newsletter
This issue highlights news, upcoming conferences, new publications, and more.
Podcast: David Nutt, ‘The current laws on drugs and alcohol – ineffective, dishonest and unethical?’
Professor David Nutt argues in this podcast, that whilst the use of the law to control drug use is long established, it remains unproven in efficacy
Law reform issues regarding synthetic drugs in New South Wales
The New South Wales Parliament Legal Affairs Committee recommended in this briefing that the "NSW Government develop a public awareness campaign to educate the community about synthetic drugs. In addition, the Committee has recommended the development of a tailored government website, which would publicise warnings about synthetic drugs as they are identified and allow the public to provide information to government agencies about synthetic drug products being sold in the community."
Management of opioid addiction in primary care: a pragmatic approach prioritising wellbeing not ideology
Editorial by Dr Euan Lawson in the British Journal of General Practice states that "Anyone involved in addiction may understandably embrace it, but it’s important that the discussions and ideology around recovery don’t distract general practice from developing the full potential of a primary care based substance misuse service."
International Doctors for Healthy Drug Policies Supports the Global Commission on Drug Policy’s’ Report, “The negative impact of the War on Drugs on Public Health: The hidden hepatitis C epidemic” May 2013
IDHDP thanks the GCDP for their excellent and much-needed report on the hidden hepatitis C epidemic, illustrating how this epidemic is being fuelled by failed drug policies and the devastating health consequences it is having on people who use drugs. We support their call for immediate, major reforms of the global drug prohibition regime to correct the policy distortions that favor criminal justice over public health evidence-based interventions such as methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatments, and the provision of sterile drug using equipment and overdose prevention and training with naloxone for all who need and want them.
Synthetic drug production in Europe
This report by EMCDDA "describes and analysis the current trends in illicit synthetic drug production in Europe and some of the challenges faced by law enforcement in this regard."
Getting To Tomorrow: A Report on Canadian Drug Policy
This report by Canadian Drug Policy Coalition "documents the failing role that current federal drug policies play in supporting safety and health and draws attention to the acute need for an improved system of supports for people who use drugs including harm reduction."
The Global Drug Prohibition Regime: Half a Century of Failed Policymaking?
A discussion forum held at the CEU in Budapest. Participants: Sandeep Chawla (Deputy Executive Director and Director, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC), Niamh Eastwood (Executive Director of Release), Martin Jelsma (TNI Drugs and Democracy Programme Coordinator), Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch (Director of OSF Global Drug Policy Program) and Wolfgang Reinicke (Dean, School of Public Policy, CEU).
Guidance for the use and reduction of misuse of benzodiazepines prescribing and other hypnotics and anxiolytics in general practice
An executive summary by Dr Chris Ford and Dr Fergus Law on a guidance for general practitioners on how to reduce the misuse of benzodiazepine prescribing. Full report is in the final stage of publication.
Video: Crack Babies: A Tale From the Drug Wars
"Retro Report: In the 1980s, many government officials, scientists and journalists warned that the country would be plagued by a generation of “crack babies.” They were wrong."
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