On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Organization of American States’ report: The Drug Problem in the Americas
A groundbreaking high level discussion of what alternatives to drug prohibition may look like. Among the report's conclusions is the need for a "public health approach" to address drug problems -- and that "the decriminalization of drug use needs to be considered as a core element in any public health strategy."
Cracking on: A harm reduction report
This report from The Bawnogue Youth and Family Support Group, Ireland aims "to inform a universal harm reduction strategy for Clondalkin specifically in response to new and emerging trends in crack cocaine use. It is hoped that a clearer picture will emerge about the qualities of the most effective form of crack pipe to distribute as part of a harm reduction strategy."
An Exit Strategy for the Failed War on Drugs: A Federal Legislative Guide
This comprehensive report by Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) "contains 75 broad and incremental recommendations for federal legislative reforms related to civil rights, deficit reduction, law enforcement, foreign policy, sentencing and reentry, effective drug treatment, public health, and drug prevention education."
Why are we still stuck around benzos and how can guidance help us?!
Dr Chris Ford's presentation at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) on 16 May 2013.
The Future of Hepatitis C - A cure for all?
Graham R Foster (Professor of Hepatology QMUL) presentation at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) on 16 May 2013
Volume 20, Number 3 (2013) The Use of Evidence in Policy Making
This edition has interesting articles on drug policy's, including; "How can and do empirical studies influence drug policies? Narratives and complexity in the use of evidence in policy making", "Confronting the challenges of conducting a CBA of cannabis policies", "Drug user dynamics: A compartmental model of drug users for scenario analyses" and many more.
The drug policy reform in the Americas
This briefing paper by International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) stating that "Latin America has emerged at the vanguard of efforts to promote debate on drug policy reform."
The mass criminalization of people who use drugs and Hepatitis C: what can we do about countries’ national policies that are silently killing people who use drugs ?
Dr Juliet Bressan, presented the IDHDP presentation at the Global Addiction and Europad Joint Conference 2013.
German Society for Addiction Medicine Newsletter (May)
The German Society for Addiction Medicine March Newsletter (in German)
IDPC May Alert
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) May alert includes their activities, publications and news.
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