On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Breaking worse: The emergence of krokodil and excessive injuries among people who inject drugs in Eurasia
Jean-Paul C. Grunda et al. conclude from the study that "a comprehensive response to the emergence of krokodil and associated harms should focus both on the substance itself and its rudimentary production methods, as well as on its micro and macro risk environments."
Cameron Douglas Loses Sentencing Appeal in U.S. Federal Court
IDHDP joined this case as an 'amicus curiae' because of the harsh sentence Mr. Douglas received for possession of drugs in prison and because it highlights the dearth of drug treatment services available in U.S. prisons. While we're disappointed with the result, the appellate judges in this case now join a growing chorus of jurists across the country who voice deep dissatisfaction with U.S. drug laws and who are urging Congress to rethink America's drug policies.
Unsafe injection practices in Hodeidah governorate, Yemen
This study by Mohammed Abdu Abdu Akbar et al. "revealed several unsafe practices, particularly the recapping of needles after use, which occurred in 61.1% and 36.8% of the observations in the hospitals and the health centers, respectively."
In a class of their own
Editorial about Dr Mary Heapburn (IDHDP member) in the Herald Scotland.
Promoting health in prison
This editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) investigates "how prisons contain some of the most disadvantaged people but they can also provide opportunities to improve their health and early intervention could help them to keep them out of prison. 62% of prisoners in UK are on directly observed therapy (FOR TB) were homeless on release, with less than half completing a full course of treatment."
International seminar in Mexico about new focuses in drug policy
International drug policy experts gathered in the Mexican Parliament (Cámara de Diputados) to reopen the debate during the international seminar: Regulation and Legislation: New focuses in Drug Policy. Read the blog from Cavazos He Arozqueta.
Access to Analgesics and to Other Controlled Medications
"WHO have developed the Access to Controlled Medications Programme (ACMP) in consultation with the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). The Programme aims to improve legitimate medical access to all medications controlled under the drug conventions."
First do no harm: Responding to Canada’s prescription drug crisis
"The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), in partnership with the National Advisory Council (NAC) on Prescription Drug Misuse, has released a comprehensive 10-year strategy. Which highlights the action required to address the harms associated with prescription drugs in Canada in the areas of prevention, education, treatment, monitoring and surveillance, and enforcement."
Portugal Bans Legal Highs
"Following the example of many other EU member states, Portugal has recently approved a restrictive law on legal highs – threatening to push the use of new psychoactive substances into the shadows."
MENAHRA April Newsletter
Middle East & North Africa Harm Reduction Association April Newsletter.
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