On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Why are we still stuck around benzos and how can guidance help us?!
Dr Chris Ford's presentation at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) on 16 May 2013.
The Future of Hepatitis C - A cure for all?
Graham R Foster (Professor of Hepatology QMUL) presentation at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) on 16 May 2013
Volume 20, Number 3 (2013) The Use of Evidence in Policy Making
This edition has interesting articles on drug policy's, including; "How can and do empirical studies influence drug policies? Narratives and complexity in the use of evidence in policy making", "Confronting the challenges of conducting a CBA of cannabis policies", "Drug user dynamics: A compartmental model of drug users for scenario analyses" and many more.
The drug policy reform in the Americas
This briefing paper by International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) stating that "Latin America has emerged at the vanguard of efforts to promote debate on drug policy reform."
IDPC May Alert
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) May alert includes their activities, publications and news.
Illicit Drug Data Report 2011-12
The report is produced by Australian Crime Commission (ACC) "and is recognised as one of the most valuable tools for law enforcement agencies, policy and decision makers, research bodies and other stakeholders in developing strategies to combat the threat posed by illicit drugs. It provides a statistical overview of illicit drug arrests and seizures as well as profiling the current situation, national impact and the emerging trends and threats of illicit drugs in Australia."
This issue from Drink and Drugs News (DDN) focuses on "The right support: from training to campaigning."
Drug prevention interventions targeting minority ethnic populations: issues raised by 33 case studies
This paper by EMCDDA "contains the results of a study that examined drug prevention interventions for minority ethnic populations in 29 European countries. A total of 33 interventions were reported to the study and the issues they raise are presented and discussed in the paper. The results will inform the EMCDDA’s plans for 2013–15 in terms of monitoring drug prevention interventions particularly in three areas: data collection, design and quality, and the dissemination of knowledge."
The National Drug Related Deaths Database (Scotland) Report 2011
"This is the third report from the National Drug Related Deaths Database (NDRDD) for Scotland and reports on the calendar year 2011. This is supplementary to the previously published, in August 2012, national reporting of drug-related deaths in Scotland by the National Records of Scotland (NRS) and reports on a subset of the overall drug-related deaths."
The New York Times Editorial Board cites the Blueprint in “The Next Step in Drug Treatment”
“The country is beginning to realize that it cannot enforce or imprison its way out of the addiction problem. But to create broadly accessible and effective treatment strategies for the millions of people who need them, it must abandon the “drug war” approach to addiction that has dominated the national discourse in favor of a policy that treats addiction as a public health issue. To create broadly accessible and effective treatment strategies for the millions of people who need them, it must abandon the “drug war” approach to addiction that has dominated the national discourse in favor of a policy that treats addiction as a public health issue.”
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