On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

The War on Drugs in Mexico: Is There an Alternative?
The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union interviews several politicians, professionals and activists in Mexico, to find out why so many people have had to die in the fight on the war on drugs: “Were they the necessary costs of an inescapable but winnable war, as many decision-makers claim, or the victims of a failed policy?” (film)
An Ugly Truth in the War on Drugs
In an editorial in the New York Times just prior to the meeting of the Commission on Narcotics Control earlier this month, Global Commission on Drug Policy members Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a former president of Brazil, and Ruth Dreifuss, a former president of Switzerland and minister of home affairs , bring attention to the human rights abuses resulting from drug control policies and call on the human rights movement to “take a leading role in calling for an end to the war on drugs and the development of drug policies that advance rather than degrade human rights.”
The Female Face of HIV/AIDS
Editorial by Adeeba Kamarulzaman IDHDP patron on the International Day of Women reflecting on how the Malaysian Government and community stakeholders have demonstrated over the past decade that working in partnership has made it possible to reduce the number of HIV/AIDS cases among men, but the same needs to be done regarding women. whose numbers are spiking. Read here
Effectiveness of diacetylmorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid dependence in women
This study by Oviedo-Joekes E., Guh D., Brissette S. et al. Is the first Canadian study which shows that among long-term, severely opiate dependent patients who have not responded well to prior treatment, women as well as men benefit more from being prescribed injectable heroin than oral methadone.
Addiction's Shrinking Gender Gap
Article in The Fix, "All over the world, women have always had lower rates of addiction than men. But when women gain more rights as nations grow richer, they begin to catch up; in one drug type, they're already ahead."
Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2012
"Based on its activities, INCB publishes an annual report that is submitted to ECOSOC through the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the drug control situation in various parts of the world. As an impartial body, INCB tries to identify and predict dangerous trends and suggests necessary measures to be taken. In its Annual Report, the Board makes recommendations to Governments and international organizations for improving the global drug control situation."
German Society for Addiction Medicine Newsletter
The German Society for Addiction Medicine March Newsletter (German)
Current situation regarding access to hepatitis C treatment in EECA
The policy brief by Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) summarizes key findings from an assessment of hepatitis C treatment accessibility in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).
Public Health Perspectives for Regulating Psychoactive Substances: What we can do about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
Health Officers' Council of British Columbia (HOC) has produced a paper describing "how inadequate, inappropriate, and ineffective regulation of these substances contributes in large measure to this terrible toll. The law is a powerful tool for protecting and improving health, and failure to use the law appropriately is contributing to many substance-associated problems. The paper describes the failures and harms caused by implementation of the prohibition policy, and points out that the current prohibition policy is unsustainable."
Pharmaceutical Overdose Deaths, United States, 2010
"Data recently released by the National Center for Health Statistics show drug overdose deaths increased for the 11th consecutive year in 2010. Pharmaceuticals, especially opioid analgesics, have driven this increase. Other pharmaceuticals are involved in opioid overdose deaths, but their involvement is less well characterized. Using 2010 mortality data, we describe the specific drugs involved in pharmaceutical and opioid-related overdose deaths."
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