On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Drug trafficking, use, and HIV risk: The need for comprehensive interventions
"Concern over drug trafficking and abuse in Africa is a recent phenomenon. A radical change appears to have taken place about 40 years ago when trafficking and abuse crept into the mainstream society, and there has been a dramatic acceleration of these trends during the past 30 years. Concern regarding abuse of drugs such as heroin and cocaine is even more recent, starting about 25 years ago in some countries and escalating to involve more countries in the past 10 years."
High-risk drug practices tighten grip on London gay scene
Editorial in the Lancet by Tony Kirby and Michelle Thornber-Dunwell.
A New Approach to Marijuana in Washington
A short film by Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) about Washington's initiative 502 (I-502) "on marijuana reform".
An Overview of HIV Prevention Interventions for People Who Inject Drugs in Tanzania
This paper describes how the Tanzania AIDS Prevention Program (TAPP), Médecins du Monde France (MdM-F), and other organisations have been at the forefront of addressing HIV/AIDS in Tanzania, implementing a wide array of harm reduction interventions including medication-assisted treatment , needle and syringe programs , and “sober houses” for residential treatment in the capital, Dar es Salaam, and in Zanzibar.
Recovery from drug and alcohol dependence: an overview of the evidence
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) Recovery Committee's first report is "the result of an exercise to scope the evidence, or lack thereof, for the many and complex factors that may contribute to recovery from drug or alcohol dependence. The report highlights that recovery from dependence on drugs and alcohol is a complex, and rarely linear process. The journey to overcome dependence, re-integrate into society and achieve a degree of well-being and social integration is highly individual to the person."
Drug policy in Indonesia
This briefing paper by IDPC reviews current policies and practices that have been implemented in response to the use of controlled drugs in Indonesia, and highlights some of the key challenges and issues that remain. The paper also offers policy recommendations for addressing those challenges.
New Psychoactive Substances: The need for policy reform
In this report, Youth RISE explores and identifies important recommendations for how to reduce the harms faced by young people who use NPS, including “legal highs” and other unscheduled substances available both online and at local drug paraphernalia shops.
The War on Drugs: Promoting stigma and discrimination
This briefing by Count the Costs summarizes "the global war on drugs has been fought for 50 years, without preventing the long-term trend of increasing drug supply and use beyond this failure, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has identified many serious negative “unintended consequences” of the drug war – including the stigma and discrimination faced by a range of populations these costs are distinct from those relating to drug use, stemming as they do from the choice of a punitive enforcement-led approach that, by its nature, criminalizes many users – often the most vulnerable in society"
Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems
Featured articles include, Quality of Care Provided to Patients Receiving Opioid Maintenance Treatment in Europe: Results from the EQUATOR analysis, Outcomes of opioid-dependence treatment across Europe: identifying opportunities for improvement and more.
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