On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Methadone diversion as a protective strategy: The harm reduction potential of ‘generous constraints’
Methadone maintenance treatment is evidenced as a successful harm reduction initiative in regard to the prevention of blood borne viruses and other injecting related harms. This is attributable to reductions in heroin use and injecting equipment sharing incidents, yet the means by which these are achieved are rarely elaborated.
Opinion: Change in attitude is needed to prevent unnecessary human tragedy
An editorial by Michel Kazatchkine for World AIDS day.
Resolución Para una Política Pública Salubrista sobre los Trastornos Relacionados con el Uso de Sustancias
Resolution by the Puerto Rican College of Physicians and Surgeons and several public health professionals stating that substance misuse is a chronic health condition. (document in Spanish)
Drug policy and women: Addressing the negative consequences of harmful drug control
This briefing by International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) aims to highlight the effects of drug policy on women as producers, suppliers and consumers of drugs in order to inform and guide policy makers on practices that should be avoided, as well as highlight those policies which effectively incorporate and address women’s needs.
From Crime to Recovery: The Reframing of British Drugs Policy?
During the last 5 years, there has been an important shift in the policy discourse around drugs issues. This article reviews the key changes and continuities in British drugs policy since the mid 1990s. It examines the crime reduction focus of the previous Labour government and the processes by which the recovery discourse came to dominate the current policy framework under the coalition government in 2010.
Drugs, Security and Democracy Fellowship
The Drugs, Security and Democracy (DSD) fellowship program supports research on drug policy, citizen security and democratic governance, as well as associated topics across the social sciences and related disciplines. Applications close on 20 January 2013.
Drug treatment reduces criminal behaviour in adults with ADHD by about a third, study shows
Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are less likely to commit criminal offences when taking treatment for the condition, research conducted in Sweden has shown.
International AIDS Society (IAS): HIV & DRUG USE FELLOWSHIP
The IAS-NIDA Fellowship Programme aims at contributing to the scientific understanding of drug use and HIV while fostering international research collaborations. Applications for 2013 round will be open from 8 December 2012 - 10 February 2013.
Draft EU Drugs Strategy (2013-2020)
This EU Drugs Strategy provides the overarching political framework and priorities for EU drugs policy identified by Member States and EU institutions, for the period 2013-2020. The framework, aim and objectives of this Strategy will serve as a basis for two consecutive 4 year EU Drugs Action plans.
The death penalty for drug offences: Global overview 2012 Tipping the Scales for Abolition
Harm Reduction International’s eye-opening report identifies 33 countries or territories that still retain the death penalty for drug offenses, including 13 where the sentence is mandatory, and documents the laws in place as well as how frequently the sanctions are applied.
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