On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Evidence-Based Drug Policies for an Effective HIV Response (presentations)
Presentations from panel at the 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (30 June – 3 July 2013) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia "Why should physicians, researchers, service users, advocates and policy makers focusing on HIV learn and act for evidence-based narcotic drug policies?"
Opioid overdose rates and implementation of overdose education and nasal naloxone distribution in Massachusetts: interrupted time series analysis
The aim of the study, conducted by the Clinical Addiction Research Education Unit of the Boston University School of Medicine, "is to evaluate the impact of state supported overdose education and nasal naloxone distribution (OEND) programs on rates of opioid related death from overdose and acute care utilization in Massachusetts."
Revitalizing the HIV response in Pakistan: A systematic review and policy implications
Sonal Singh et al. conducted a systematic review of the epidemiology of HIV in Pakistan. They concluded that "Pakistan must continue to invest in targeted, evidence-based interventions to prevent the spread of HIV and curb the epidemic trajectory in Pakistan"
Opioid overdose: preventing and reducing opioid overdose mortality
Discussion paper from UNODC and WHO outlines the "facts about opioid overdose, the actions that can be taken to prevent and treat (reverse) opioid overdose and areas requiring further investigation."
World Drug report 2013
Annual report from UNODC which presents a "comprehensive overview of the latest developments in drug markets. It covers production, trafficking, consumption and related health consequences. Chapter 1, examines the global situation and the latest trends in the different drug markets and the extent of illicit drug use, as well as the related health impact. Chapter 2 addresses the phenomenon of new psychoactive substances (NPS), which can have deadly consequences for their users but are hard to control, with dynamic, fastmutating producers and “product lines” which have emerged over the past decade."
Pakistan's Drug Problem
Chris Beyrer, a professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA, has reservations about the UNODC report. “The whole report and UNODC are based on the concept of prohibition and a drug-free world. I think they are at least 10 years behind the times here. The war on drugs has failed”, he explains. “The US backed and enforced regime of zero tolerance and total prohibition utterly failed in the USA, led to a generation of mass over incarceration, has destabilised several countries, and is no longer an evidence-based goal for the future.”
Malaysia makes progress against HIV, but challenges remain
Adeeba Kamarulzaman professor at University of Malaya, describes how the country’s epidemic has changed over the past two decades. “In the first wave, it was mainly through heterosexual transmission from neighbouring countries such as Thailand, then the second wave was through intravenous drug use, but now in the third wave what we are seeing is drug users, plus female partners of those drug users, and transmission through men who have sex with men.”
Supervised consumption rooms: The French Paradox
Marie Jauffret-Roustidea et al. Analyses the "social and political issues associated with the creation of drug consumption rooms in the French context as well as the role of public opinion polling in public health policy-making."
Beyond the Hype: PrEP for People Who Inject Drugs
Editorial by Daniel Wolfe Director of the International Harm Reduction Development Program, Open Society Foundations on his view of the Bangkok Tenofovir Study conducted on a population of injection drug users in Thailand.
Harm Reduction Conference film by Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
This short film created by Hungarian Civil Liberties Union shows highlights and short interviews at the Harm Reduction Conference in Vilnius (June 2013)
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