On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Proposal for New Drugs Laws in Argentina
The Beckley Foundation reviews the 11 National Conference on Drugs Policy in Buenos Aires, held on 29 and 30 of August 2013.
Drugnet Europe 83
EMCDDA July - September 2013 newsletter. In this issue: Screening for hepatitis B and C infection in Europe | Second international conference on novel psychoactive substances | EMCDDA report explores models of addiction | New Zealand enacts innovative regulatory system on new drugs | 5-IT recommended for control at EU level.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) criminal justice fact sheet.
SMMGP July / August Policy Update 2013
SMMGP give an update on current policy documents in the England and Scotland from July / August 2013.
UNAIDS report on the global aids epidemic 2013
UNAIDS’s report states that recent data suggest little change has occurred in the HIV burden among people who inject drugs. HIV incidence among this population remains high, up to 28% in Asia and with people who inject drugs accounting for more than 40% of new infections in some countries. At least 158 countries reported injecting drug use and 120 countries have documented HIV among people who inject drugs. Coverage of HIV prevention services remains low and uptake of voluntary HIV testing are extremely low among people who inject drugs and among 35 countries providing data in 2013, all but four reached less than 10% of opiate users with OST. In addition to exceptionally low coverage, an effective AIDS response among people who inject drugs is undermined by punitive policy frameworks and law enforcement practices, which discourage individuals from seeking the health and social services they need.
Advocates Commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day
Drug Policy Alliance Leads National Effort for Comprehensive Overdose Prevention Policies; Ten States Passed "911 Good Samaritan" Laws in 2012 and 2013.
Global burden of disease attributable to illicit drug use and dependence: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010
Prof Louisa Degenhardt, et al. aim to assess the prevelance and burden of drug dependence on health and found it high. Worldwide opioid dependence was the largest contributor to dependence and injecting drug use as a risk factor for HIV, as a risk factor for hepatitis C and suicide. Countries with the highest rate of burden included the USA, UK, Russia, and Australia. Hence illicit drug use is an important contributor to the global burden of disease. Efficient strategies to reduce disease burden of opioid dependence and injecting drug use, such as delivery of opioid substitution treatment and needle and syringe programmes, are needed to reduce this burden at a population scale.
The Drug Policy Reform Agenda in the Americas (version 2)
IDPC analyses the regional debate and national-level reforms in the Americas and offers recommendations to maintain the drug policy reforms.
Release demonstrates in this report that the "policing and prosecutions of drug possession offences in England and Wales is unduly focused on black and minority communities. This report looks at racial disparity rates at stop and search, arrest, prosecution and sentencing and clearly demonstrates that the drug laws in the UK are a major driver of the disproportionality that exists in our criminal justice system in relation to the black community."
Availability of HIV prevention and treatment services for people who inject drugs: findings from 21 countries
Zaino Petersen et al. analyses the need to monitor the state of the “HIV epidemic as it relates to IDU and the availability of HIV treatment and harm reduction services in 21 high epidemic countries." With about a third of the global HIV infections outside sub-Saharan Africa related to injecting drug use (IDU), this paper calls for the need to monitor the state of the HIV epidemic as it relates to PWID.
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