On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

IAS Annual Report (2012)
The International AIDS Society's (IAS) annual report reflects their work in "2012 across the goals and foundations of the IAS Strategic Plan 2010-2014. It also contains the audited financial statements for the IAS in 2012 and for the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)."
Ukraine wins battle against HIV/AIDS but still has to fight it's war
Harm Reduction Conference 2013: panel session about Ukraine's battle against HIV/AIDS (film)
Harm Reduction Beyond Public Health (film)
Harm Reduction International Conference 2013: Ruth Dreifuss, the former president of Switzerland presented in the opening session stating that "Time has come to a broader understanding of harms produced by the moralistic condemnation of activities which do not harm others,".
Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Young Persons Who Inject Drugs
This paper is a conclusion of a two day meeting held by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy. The consultation participants recommended several key public health actions including: "- Create community-led education and messaging strategies on hepatitis C risks, injection transmission risks (e.g., sharing drug preparation equipment in addition to sharing drug injection equipment), and HCV testing resources. - Improve and increase infrastructure for HCV surveillance and data collection."
International Harm Reduction Development Program Quarterly Update
News briefs on big developments in global harm reduction and the work of the International Harm Reduction Development Program at the Open Society Foundations.
IDPC June Alert
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) June alert includes their activities, publications and news.
Needle and syringe programs in prison: it can be done (film)
l'Association des intervenants en toxicomanie du Québec (AITQ) have produced an educational film for managers and stakeholders planning activities for health advocacy and harm reduction in prisons because the use of drugs by injection is one of the main causes of the increase of blood-borne diseases.
The management of pain in people with a past or current history of addiction
This guidance endorsed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists warns that "current and former addicts are at risk of relapse to addiction, compromised medical care and potentially fatal overdose when being treated for pain in hospitals and doctors’ surgeries and identifies the stigma surrounding addiction as the main barrier to safe and effective pain relief."
Pain relief in current or former addicts
Dr James Bell, from King’s College London’s National Addiction Centre and lead author on the "The management of pain in people with a past or current history of addiction" presentation on the launch date (June 2013).
Safe opioid prescribing in community and secure environment settings
Dr Cathy Stannard, University of Bristol, presentation at the launch of "The management of pain in people with a past or current history of addiction" (June 2013).
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