Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador, and Colombia, among others, have openly questioned the Conventions on Narcotic Drugs, or at least, the consequences of its application.

16 Jun 2015

Consequences of the war on drugs has led to a call for a UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem, which will take place in April 2016. It aims to promote an open debate about the results achieved and analyze what governments should change about the psychotropic substance regulatory regime in force.



The UNGASS could result in a declaration that could on one end defend prohibitionism’s successes and offer lukewarm support of “new approaches.” On the other, it could critically evaluate the results achieved and propose reforms. If the former occurs, Latin America should look for strategies that allow it to have one foot in prohibition and the other in reform. In the case of the latter, Latin America will have won a small battle against the biggest global powers, at least in the design of drug policy.

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