On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Pain Patients Say They Can’t Get Medicine After Crackdown On Illegal Rx Drug Trade
14 Aug 2015
In what may be an unintended side effect of a crackdown on prescription drug abuse, legitimate chronic pain patients are having increasing trouble getting the medicine that allows them to function on a daily basis.
How opium poppies process morphine revealed for the first time
12 Aug 2015
The process by which a poppy encodes enzymes to make morphine has been discovered.
Palliative care home visits in Uganda
12 Aug 2015
A very poor country, with an under-resourced health system, Uganda has become an example of best practice in developing countries for promoting palliative care and improving access to morphine. Katherine Pettus, PhD, joins home visits with a Hospice Africa Uganda (HAU) nurse and witnesses the experiences of Ugandan patients.
Increasing methadone accessibility cuts HIV transmission
12 Aug 2015
Increasing access to methadone treatment through primary-care doctors and pharmacies significantly cuts the spread of HIV, according to research involving Vancouver residents addicted to opioids.
Ukraine’s Deadly Medicines Bottleneck
7 Aug 2015
The conflict between the Ukrainian government and Russian-supported separatists threatens the lives of civilian patients who have been cut off, or soon will be, from lifesaving medicines.
Portraits from Prison Tell Stories of Women in the Drug War
7 Aug 2015
In Latin America, some of the most perverse consequences of the drug war have been borne by women, many of whom are caught in a cycle of poverty or addiction that motivates their involvement in the small-scale sale or transport of drugs.
World Health Organisation Palliative Care
7 Aug 2015
This report discusses the key facts and barriers (including no access to pain relief) behind palliative care.
Preventing drug overdoses
6 Aug 2015
This is the sixth in a blog series based on the findings of the 2015 annual European Drugs Report published by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. In it, the author explores new interventions to prevent drug overdose deaths.
Why I joined IDHDP
29 Jul 2015
Members from Slovenia, Catalonia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Russia discuss why they joined International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies.
From care to incarceration: The relationship between adverse childhood experience and dysfunctionality in later life
27 Jul 2015
A government report from 2002 states that a staggering 49% of children who have been in care will end up in the prison system. They make up 23% of the total prison population.
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