On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Bucharest's Drug-Addicted Roma Are Being Left to Rot
23 Jul 2015
"The general public's attitude to the Roma and to the drug addicts is that we are wasting money on nothing, that it's better to let them die than to help them," said Dan Popescu, harm-reduction services coordinator at the Asociatia Romana Anti-SIDA (ARAS). - Max Daly for Vice.
Why Heroin Use Is Surging Among Women-And What To Do About It
22 Jul 2015
Today’s population of heroin users (those who consumed the drug within the past 12 months) now has double the representation of women compared to a decade ago. Why did this happen and what to do about it? - Sally Satel, Forbes.
Increase in diagnoses of recently acquired HIV in people who inject drugs
8 Jul 2015
An increase in recently acquired HIV in people who inject drugs has been noted in Dublin since early 2015.
Interview with Dr. Béatrice Stambul, IDHDP member
3 Jul 2015
"Drug use is not a matter of good or bad, but a matter of disorder, and you cannot punish somebody because of that. We need better drug laws", states the psychiatrist Dr. Béatrice Stambul, IDHDP member and harm reduction advocate.
Female drug users shun treatment for fear of losing children: U.N.
2 Jul 2015
Female drug users worldwide are far less likely than their male counterparts to undergo treatment due to discrimination against mothers and pregnant women and the cost of childcare, transport and treatment, the U.N. drugs body said on Friday.
Why do we lack compassion for bereaved families of those who have died from alcohol or drugs?
30 Jun 2015
The bereaved families of drug or alcohol-related deaths remain a hidden and neglected group, with profound consequences for their own health and well-being.
Fifteen drug users infected with HIV
30 Jun 2015
Fifteen injecting drug users in Dublin have recently been infected with HIV, with another case considered probable, the HSE has confirmed.
Drug users mailing sterile syringes to avoid stigma and discrimination, study finds
30 Jun 2015
Australia's first study into the reasons why injecting drug users are sharing syringes at an unacceptably high rate has found stigma and discrimination are still major barriers to accessing clean equipment.
'Friends and Family' OD-Reversal Kits Are Saving Addicts' Lives
29 Jun 2015
Friends and family members have saved the lives of tens of thousands of narcotic drug users from overdoses by using emergency injection kits containing naloxone, a medication that can potentially reverse the effects of some narcotic drugs, a new federal report says.
This Is How England Could Stop Its Heroin Users Dying from Overdoses
29 Jun 2015
Earlier this month, six Nottinghamshire residents died in the space of 36 hours after injecting what's suspected to be a super-strong batch of heroin. These lives could have potentially been saved if heroin overdoses were reversed with naloxone injections.
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