On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Beyond harm reduction
17 Feb 2017
Sixteen years after Vancouver formally adopted a ‘four pillars’ approach to drug strategy, the city – and the province – finds itself in the grip of an overdose crisis, reports Andrea Woo.
Amnesty: Philippine police 'planned' drug war killings
10 Feb 2017
Amnesty International has accused the Philippine police of "systematically planning" extrajudicial killings in the controversial war against drugs.
The cost of Punjab's heroin 'epidemic'
6 Feb 2017
The northern Indian state of Punjab votes on Saturday for a new government. But the biggest issue confronting voters is not jobs or corruption, but a drugs epidemic that is sweeping the state.
Russian Foreign Minister slams opioid agonist treatment amid country's HIV epidemic
3 Feb 2017
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has spoken out against opioid agonist treatment at Moscow's International Anti-Drug Forum, the state-run TASS news agency reported.
Reasons for drug policy reform: people who use drugs are denied evidence based treatment
19 Jan 2017
Prohibition can prevent access to harm reduction treatment, including methadone, for people who inject drugs, writes Michel Kazatchkine.
Vietnam protests highlight importance of ending mandatory "rehabilitation"
18 Jan 2017
Recent protests and violence at mandatory “drug rehabilitation” centres in Vietnam highlight the importance of the government’s decision to transform such facilities into community-based voluntary centres.
HIV infections in Russia reach record-high and account for almost two-thirds of new cases in Europe
15 Jan 2017
UK had third highest number of new HIV infections in 2015.
Few patients with pain become people who use opioids long-term
12 Jan 2017
Less than two percent of patients with prescriptions for opioid pain medication become people who use opioids long-term, according to a large new study published online in the journal 'Pain.'
The stunning rise of deaths from the pain drug fentanyl, in one chart
6 Jan 2017
Deaths from the synthetic opioid doubled in just one year.
A call for Human Rights' oriented drug policy: what would YOU change?
1 Jan 2017
On International Day for Human Rights (December 10), NGO "Diogenis Drug Policy Dialogue", released this special video.
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