On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

A Dire Shortage of ADD Meds Is Pushing Some Patients to Street Meth
16 Dec 2019
People who are prescribed controlled substances used to treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders (ADD/ADHD) are facing a crippling shortage of medication—and at least some are being driven to turn to riskier street drugs to fill the void.
Phase 1 clinical trials for psilocybin show no adverse effects
16 Dec 2019
A team of researchers from King's College London and mental healthcare company Compass Pathways has released the results of a Phase 1 clinical trial for the drug psilocybin.
Why We Need To See The UK Drug Death Crisis As A Human Rights Issue
16 Dec 2019
The rate of drug-related deaths in the UK has been declared a “public health emergency” by two cross-party groups of MPs in the law few months.
Miami-Dade opioid deaths drop by nearly 100. Needle exchange may be the reason.
22 Nov 2019
Since 2016, public health advocates in Miami-Dade County have led the state in confronting Florida’s opioid epidemic by starting a needle exchange that also widely distributed naloxone, a drug that counters overdoses, and getting it onto the streets.
FDA urged to investigate use of unapproved anti-opioid implant on prisoners and the homeless
22 Nov 2019
BioCorRx bills itself as a developer of "advanced solutions" for alcohol and opioid addictions. But the California-based company has come under fire for plans to test an unapproved naltrexone implant on Louisiana prison inmates and homeless
When a tank is urgently needed to transport… methadone to hospitals
6 Nov 2019
A tank is urgently needed! It doesn’t have to be a new one. The tank is needed to transport methadone to hospitals in Kazakhstan. Drug control authorities require paramilitary security for the transportation of drugs. However, the state is not going to allocate funds for security measures and this issue has not been resolved in 10 years.
Mexico’s Other Drug War Is Addiction, and Its Rehabs Are Terrifying
6 Nov 2019
A rise in meth addiction has exposed Mexico’s shambolic, often brutal drug treatment system.
Women And Children Are The Emerging Face Of Drug Addiction In Afghanistan
6 Nov 2019
From an estimated 200,000 opium and heroin addicts in 2005, the number rose to nearly a million in 2009 and reached between 1.9 million to 2.4 million in 2015, the United Nations reported.
Dozens caged and shackled in Trinidad drug rehab center, police say
18 Oct 2019
Dozens of people were found on Wednesday in squalid conditions, chained and in cages in a Trinidad and Tobago rehabilitation center run by a religious group for ex-prisoners and drug users, where some were tortured and held for years, police said.
Drug Treatment Centres or Private Torture Clinics?
17 Oct 2019
On January 11, 2019, a fire at a drug rehabilitation centre in Guayaquil, Ecuador, claimed 18 patients’ lives. Locked into their rooms and forced to detox “cold turkey,” the victims couldn’t escape as flames engulfed the building.
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