On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Kentucky Challenge to “Casey’s Law” Strikes Against Involuntary Commitment
10 Jul 2020
One of the nation’s oldest involuntary commitment laws designed specifically to target people who use drugs is facing a court challenge in Kentucky.
The Marijuana Superweapon Biden Refuses to Use
7 Jul 2020
Legalizing marijuana is extremely popular. So why won’t Joe Biden embrace the idea?
Independent review of drugs: call for evidence, part 2
5 Jul 2020
This call for evidence is part of the information-gathering phase of part 2 of the review and Dame Carol Black encourages all interested people and organisations to share evidence, and their insights and experiences to increase understanding of challenges involved in drug treatment, prevention and recovery and opportunities for improvement.
Reforming cannabis laws is a complex challenge, but New Zealand’s history of drug reform holds important lessons
5 Jul 2020
In less than three months, New Zealanders will vote in the world’s first national referendum on a comprehensive proposal to legalise the recreational use of cannabis.
We Know How George Floyd Died. It Wasn’t From Drugs
28 Jun 2020
"The idea that drugs played a role is just a new version of an old racist myth" IDHDP Director, Professor Carl Hart
"Stayin' Alive"
23 Jun 2020
Inside the first supervised injecting centre in the English Speaking World - a light hearted video but a serious topic.
“There Is No Naloxone for Racism”
18 Jun 2020
Since George Floyd was horrifically murdered by Minneapolis cops on May 25, events have unfolded dramatically, and amid worldwide protests, conversations about police brutality and racism—and responses from defunding to abolition—have become mainstream like never before.
US relaxes rules for opioid substitutes during lockdowns
29 May 2020
In the past few months, US agencies have temporarily eased restrictions governing how doctors can prescribe drugs meant to help people wean themselves off heroin and other opioids.
COVID-19: UK Home Secretary Urged To Allow Pharmacists To Dispense Controlled Drugs
8 May 2020
More than 50 drug policy, public health and harm reduction experts have signed an open letter urging the UK Home Secretary to trigger legislation that is contained in the recently amended Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.
Safe supply of drugs for DTES residents given green light, says Vancouver
30 Mar 2020
The federal government has given the green light for a safe supply of drugs for Vancouver's Downtown Eastside residents in light of the COVID-19 crisis, according to Mayor Kennedy Stewart
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