Ukraine Expands Opioid Substitution Therapy to Reduce HIV
The Ukrainian government is increasing the scope of the country’s state-funded opioid substitution therapy (OST) programme – a harm reduction tool which reduces the risk of overdose and disease transmission.
There needs to be more than a change in language if our care of people who use drugs is to improve
Could the stigmatising language often used to describe people who use drugs or develop problems with drugs simply be the symptom of a belief that is wrong?
How OTPs Can Help Reduce Stigma: The Boston Experience
“But I don’t think education is as helpful as we hope it will be, because people come with pre-existing opinions.”
Opioid Crisis: No Easy Fix to Its Social and Economic Determinants
The accepted wisdom about the US overdose crisis singles out prescribing as the causative vector. Although drug supply is a key factor, we posit that the crisis is fundamentally fueled by economic and social upheaval, its etiology closely linked to the role of opioids as a refuge from physical and psychological trauma, concentrated disadvantage, isolation, and hopelessness.
Eliminating Hepatitis C in Scotland: A Call to Action
A summary of evidence from the Hepatitis C Elimination Inquiry held by the cross-party Scottish Hepatitis C Parliamentary Champions group and The Hepatitis C Trust
The ’war on drugs’ is collapsing. Now let’s build the alternative.
The ‘war on drugs’ was built on shaky foundations. Now, countries around the world from Canada, to Uruguay, Portugal and many US states are beginning to dismantle it piece by piece.
WHO cares? Treatment coverage for substance use disorders: results from 26 countries
Wherever there are humans there are drugs. But our understanding of the problems some people develop with drugs is dependent on where these people live.
How to stop overdoses? Prevent them to begin with
The Public Health Agency of Canada recently released projections that 2017 will have seen a total of more than 4,000 opioid-related deaths.
Fighting opioid addiction requires a sea-change in attitudes
Canada’s current opioid crisis is a health emergency that has been growing for some time. Last year there were 2,816 reported opioid-related deaths in Canada. In 2018, public health experts estimate this number will exceed 4,000.
A City Without Stigmatization – Amsterdam
From the perspective of activists from Eastern-Europe, Amsterdam is the symbol of humane drug policies. Our Russian speaking reporters visited the city to explore its harm reduction scene – and meet with Eastern-Europeans who live there. Watch their video and find out more!
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