HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2017
Although HIV is preventable through effective public health measures, HIV transmission is still a major concern in Europe, in particular in the eastern part of the WHO European Region. In 2016, more than 160,000 people were diagnosed with HIV, the highest number of people ever newly diagnosed in one year.
Shooting Up: Infections among people who inject drugs in the UK, 2016
Hepatitis C prevalence remains high and half of those infected are undiagnosed Hepatitis C remains the most common blood-borne infection among people who inject drugs (PWID), and there are significant levels of transmission among this group in the UK. HIV levels remain low, but risks continue and HIV is often diagnosed at a late stage among PWID.
Drug use and HIV
The WHO/ UNODC/UNAIDS Technical Guide to reduce HIV infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) sets out nine interventions proven effective in reducing HIV transmission among this population. Universal access to the comprehensive package of nine interventions is a priority.
Right to Health
UNAIDS announces nearly 21 million people living with HIV now on treatment
Morbidity and Mortality
A systematic review of studies from high income countries with large databases of people experiencing homelessness, sex working, contact with criminal justice or drug treatment services. The chances of dying in any given year (Standardised Mortality Ratios) are 8 times higher than average for men and 12 times higher for women. Shocking figures from extremes of social exclusion.
What works?
Inclusion Health is defined, and an evidence synthesis demonstrates that we know how to deliver health care systems that can tackle complexity and multiple morbidity. Multi-disciplinary, multi-agency and multi-component care, taken to the people and centred on building trusting relationships has an international evidence base.
World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day.
Addressing the specific needs of women who inject drugs
Practical guide for service providers on gender-responsive HIV services
Evidence review summary: drug demand reduction, treatment and harm reduction
Background paper commissioned by the EMCDDA for Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide
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