A more dangerous ‘heroin’: the synthetic opioid overdose crisis in the United States
The Heroin in Transition (HIT) study, funded by the US NIH/NIDA is a 5-year project utilizing multiple disciplinary lenses including economics, epidemiology and anthropology.
Fentanyl in the US heroin supply: A rapidly changing risk environment
The supply of heroin into the US has changed with new source- forms and market strategies. Of particular concern is the rampant and persistent adulteration of heroin with synthetic opioids, most conspicuously the family of fentanyls.
Toots, tastes and tester shots: user accounts of drug sampling methods for gauging heroin potency
Overdose deaths in the United States (US) have risen sixfold, paralleled by a rise in the death rate attributed to synthetic opioids, particularly the fentanyls. This paper considers the adaptations some US heroin injectors are making to protect themselves from these risks.
Guidelines for naloxone provision upon release from prison and other custodial settings
Why we need an International Overdose Day
John Ryan tells us why this year we need it more than ever.
Policy Briefing: HIV Outbreak in Glasgow - more needs to be done
In 2015, an outbreak of HIV was detected amongst people who inject drugs (PWIDs) in Glasgow. HIV prevalence amongst PWIDs in the UK remains low, standing at less than 1 in 100 (around 0.85%). However, the outbreak in Glasgow means that there are now over 100 cases of HIV amongst PWIDs there.
The tools exist. HIV/AIDS can be treated and contained. But in many communities, social, political and economic obstacles get in the way. There, the epidemic is far from over.
Statement from the Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD)
“People do not lose their human rights because they use or sell drugs” - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
European Drug Report - Trends and Developments
The European Drug Report 2018: Trends and Developments provides a timely insight into Europe’s drug problems and responses. Our flagship report is built on a thorough review of European and national data that highlights emerging patterns and issues. This year it is accompanied online by 30 Country Drug Reports and resources containing full data arrays and graphics, allowing an overview for each country.
Advancing Drug Policy Reform: marking World Drug Day 2018
Video of Global Commissioners speaking out about the failure of prohibition and the additional harms created by repressive drug policies – the so-called “war on drugs”.
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