Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems
Featured articles include, Quality of Care Provided to Patients Receiving Opioid Maintenance Treatment in Europe: Results from the EQUATOR analysis, Outcomes of opioid-dependence treatment across Europe: identifying opportunities for improvement and more.
The Role of Gender on HIV/AIDS Stigma among Medical Students in Puerto Rico: Implications for Training and Service Delivery
Study conducted by Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) and University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) examied "he efficacy of a stigma reduction intervention among 507 medical students from across Puerto Rico, which showed gendered differences in stigma"
Hepatitis B and C: ways to promote and offer testing to people at increased risk of infection
The guidance encompasses general awareness raising for the population as a whole, for those at increased risk of infection and for healthcare professionals and others providing services for those at increased risk of hepatitis B and C.
Eye of the Needle: fourth report on surveillance of significant occupational exposures to bloodborne viruses in healthcare workers
The Health Protection Agency has published an updated Eye of the Needle report showing there has been an increase in the number of significant occupational exposures in recent years. Between 2002 and 2011, 4381 significant occupational exposures were reported, increasing from 276 in 2002 to 541 in 2011.
The Twin Epidemics of HIV and Drug Use: Innovative Strategies for Healthy Communities
Immediately prior to the opening of the 2012 International AIDS Conference, amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, and the International AIDS Society convened a day-long meeting to review available evidence on effective strategies to combat HIV among people who use drugs. This report summarizes the outcomes of this meeting.
IDHDP December Newsletter 2012
This issue highlights news, upcoming conferences, new publications, and more.
Systemic barriers accessing HIV treatment among people who inject drugs in Russia: a qualitative study
This study explores the systemic barriers to accessing ART among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Ekaterinburg, Russia a large burden of HIV treatment demand. It involved 42 in-depth qualitative interviews with people living with HIV with current or recent experience of injecting drug use. Accounts were analysed thematically, and supplemented here with an illustrative case study.
Treatment as Prevention: From STOP HIV to STOP HCV
IDHDP Patron Julio Montaner gives an overview of HIV and HCV treatment and prevention.
Home Affairs Committee - Ninth Report, Drugs: Breaking the Cycle
The Home Affairs Committee published its first report on drugs in a decade. After a wide-ranging and in-depth inquiry lasting a year and examining all areas of UK drug policy, the Committee has called for a Royal Commission on the issue.
Portuguese drug policy shows that decriminalisation can work, but only alongside improvements in health and social policies.
A blog from Alex Stevens assesses the situation in Portugal, noting that while decriminalisation has coincided with a fall in the most problematic forms of drug use, it is not the only factor. The expansion of drug treatments and the Portuguese welfare state have also played a role, illustrating the importance of improving social and health policies in addition to decriminalisation.
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