IDPC's response to the UNODC World Drug Report 2012
IDPC provides an overview of the data and topics presented in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)’s World Drug Report, and where appropriate, within the broader context of the current state of the UN drug control framework, offers a critical analysis of both.
An urgent need to scale-up injecting drug harm reduction services in Tanzania: Prevalence of blood-borne viruses among drug users in Temeke District, Dar-es-Salaam, 2011
Injecting drug use (IDU) is a growing concern in Tanzania compounded by reports of high risk injecting and sexual risk behaviours among people who inject drugs (PWID).
South-East Asia Opium Survey 2012 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
Myanmar opium poppy cultivation jumped 17 per cent in 2012 to 51,000 hectares (up from 43,000 ha in 2011) in spite of Government figures showing that 23,717 ha of opium poppy has been eradicated - more than three times the 7,058 ha it eradicated in 2011.
HIV outbreak among injecting drug users in Greece
This is an updated report for the EMCDDA on the recent outbreak of HIV infections among drug injectors in Greece
Pregnancy, childcare and the family: key issues for Europe’s response to drugs 2012
EMCDDA‘s overview on the extent of, and available responses to, the problems of pregnant drug users and families that are affected by drug use. In the first part of the report, a description of the available data on the extent of drug use during pregnancy and associated risks is followed by a review of responses to drug use among pregnant women across Europe. The second part of the publication focuses on children living in the care of drug users.
US Office of National Drug Control Policy releases briefing on medication-assisted treatment
The US Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has released a new briefing on options for the treatment of opioid dependence including guidance on the use of methadone and buprenorphine.
Estimating the cost-effectiveness of needle-syringe programs in Australia
Latest mathematical model from Australia broadly applicable also to the UK suggests that offering injectors infection-free injecting equipment has cost-effectively saved/improved lives, and in the long run will save the health service money due to averted HIV and hepatitis C related illnesses. But in both countries adequately curbing hepatitis C requires much more.
City Health International Conference 2012
Read presentations from the 2012 conference, including David Wilson from World Bank, who said “Urbanization is the biggest threat to humanity,” Dr Graham Foster on HCV, and Dr Owen Bowden-Jones on club drugs, and more.
A Fresh Approach to Drugs: the final report of the UK Drug Policy Commission
UKDPC proposes a radical rethink of how we structure our response to drug problems. It provides an analysis of the evidence for how policies and interventions could be improved, with recommendations for policymakers and practitioners to address the new and established challenges associated with drug use
The role of opioid substitution treatment in reducing HIV transmission
Editorial in the BMJ states what is well-known: that the risks for people who use drugs and the wider community are substantially reduced with opioid substitution treatment
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