How to Win a War on Drugs
Portugal treats addiction as a disease, not a crime. Op-Ed Columnist, NY Times
A Quiet Revolution: Drug Decriminalisation Across the Globe
This is the second edition of ‘a quiet revolution: Drug Decriminalisation across the Globe’. the rst edition was released in July 2012 and has since been cited by a wide range of organisations and agencies, including: the World Health organisation, the of ce of the united nations High Commissioner for Human rights, and the Global Commission on Drug Policy.
Will drug use rise?
Exploring a key concern about decriminalising or regulating drugs
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Prohibition, privilege and the drug apartheid: The failure of drug policy reform to address the underlying fallacies of drug prohibition
Hepatitis B and C testing: Why? Who? How?
A guidance paper on testing in community and harm reduction settings.
EU action plan on drugs 2017-2020
The Strategy aims to contribute to a reduction in drug demand and drug supply within the EU. It also aims to reduce the health and social risks and harms caused by drugs through a strategic approach that supports and complements national policies, that provides a framework for coordinated and joint actions and that forms the basis and political framework for EU external cooperation in this field. This will be achieved through an integrated, balanced and evidence-based approach.
Joint United Nations statement on ending discrimination in health care settings
United Nations entities recall that a central principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to “ensure that no one is left behind” and to “reach the furthest behind first”.
Drug decriminalisation in Portugal: setting the record straight
Portugal has reduced DRDs by a whole package of care, including decriminalisation. By internationally accepted measure of drug-related deaths, deaths due to drug use have decreased significantly – from approximately 80 in 2001, to 16 in 2012.
AATOD, Acadia, and 433 others protest health care bill as destructive to opioid treatment
President Trump promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and although it took some negotiating, he got what he wanted from the House of Representatives on May 3. That’s when the House passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA), repealing key provisions of the ACA.
Global prison trends 2017
The Sustainable Development Goals and criminal justice.
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