On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

The UNGASS on drugs in 2016: A milestone for HIV/AIDS NGOS policy in Africa
Data are limited, but the evidence tells us that injecting drug use is a growing problem in Africa. This threatens to quickly undermine the achievements on the continent.
Advancing service integration in opioid treatment progams for the care and treatment of hepatitis C infection
Approximately 200 million people globally are infected with the hepatitis C virus. Integrating hepatitis care services and treatment foster access to care for patients with hepatitis C infection.
Mortality after prison release: Opioid overdose and other causes of death, risk factors, and time trends from 1999 to 2009
Among former prisoners, a high rate of death has been documented in the early postrelease period, particularly from drug-related and opioid overdose causes.
Recommendations for testing, managing, and treating hepatitis C
The landscape of treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has evolved substantially since the introduction of highly effective HCV protease inhibitor therapies in 2011.
Patterns, determinants and barriers of health and social service utilization among young urban crack users in Brazil
This study examined profiles and determinants of social and health service utilization, and unmet service needs, in a two-city sample of young, marginalised crack users in Brazil.
EASL clinical practice guidelines: Management of hepatitis C virus infection
These EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines assist physicians and other healthcare providers in the clinical decision-making process by describing the optimal management of patients with acute and chronic HCV infections.
The harms of drug use: Criminalisation, misinformation, and stigma
Legislation and media representation and coverage rarely reflect the empirical qualitative or quantitative harm caused by drug use, topics that this publication explores.
Clinical update from SMMGP/ Nov 2013
This clinical update from Substance Misuse Management in General Practice highlights topics as the experiences on hepatitis C and heroin overdose management.
Injecting drug use among under-18s
There are numerous limitations to existing data that require attention, including under-representation of under-18s in HIV bio-behavioural surveillance and a lack of appropriate age disaggregation.
1st Scottish Harm reduction cafe report
This report offers the experience of a harm reduction cafe held in Glasgow in November 2013 intends to support anyone wanting to host a harm reduction cafe in their local area.
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