On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Women who use drugs, harm reduction and HIV
This brief brings attention to policies, laws and practices that undermine the rights of women who use drugs, and to promote the realisation of their human rights in terms of an effective harm reduction response to HIV.
Co-morbid substance use and mental disorders in Europe: A review of the data
This paper reviews information on the co-morbidity of mental disorders among individuals with psychoactive drug or alcohol use problems.
Rise in LSD use among regular psychostimulant users: Why the increase and is it a cause for concern?
Although currently, LSD is not as popular and wide spread as its peak in the 1960s it is still considered one of the main illicit drugs used in Australia, where is more prevalent than in the US and UK.
Accelerating HIV treatment
The HIV treatment crisis in the in WHO Eastern Mediterranean and UNAIDS Middle East and North Africa is reversible. Implementing the recommended actions soonest will enable the Region to achieve universal coverage for HIV treatment.
Drug policy organisations in Europe
This paper sets out to explore the civil society organisations that engage in drug policy advocacy in Europe. The most of the organisations are working in the area of practice development, with 26 % advocating use reduction and 39 % harm reduction approaches.
Policy paper on preventing risks and reducing harm linked to the use of psychoactive substances
This paper provides an overview and conceptualisation of policy areas and goals under which risk and harm reduction measures are presently implemented in Europe.
Mistreatment of drug users and in Cambodia’s drug detention centers
Human Rights Watch calls on Cambodia’s to permanently close its drug detention centers that at any point in time, collectively hold around 1,000 men, women, and children.
Compulsory drug detention in East and Southeast Asia: Evolving government, UN and donor responses
More than 235,000 people are detained in over 1000 compulsory drug detention centers in East and South East Asia. As a result of the human right violations associated with this centres, an increasing number of United Nations agencies, human rights experts, and others have called for their closure, marking a significant shift from past engagement with drug detention.
Frankfurt principles on drug law enforcement
This principles, approved at the International Conference on Drug Policy and Policing recognise that public safety incorporates crime prevention, law enforcement and public health.
Drug policies from a public health and human rights perspective
The main topics discussed in the dialogue between government officials and members of civil society at the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission were drug consumption from a public health perspective, human rights and drug laws.
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