On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Untreated pain in the lower and middle-income countries
More than 5.5 billion people (83% of the world’s population) in over 150 countries have low to non-existent access to morphine and other controlled medicines for pain relief, palliative care or opioid dependency.
INCB Annual Report 2013
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the drug control situation in various parts of the world. INCB suggests drug control measures to be taken by member states to prevent drug use and back the UN drug conventions.
Report on the current state of play of the 2003 UE Council Recommendation
This report focuses the challenges and progress of the 2003 UE Council Recommendation on the prevention and reduction of health-related harm, associated with drug dependence, in the EU and candidate countries.
Compulsory rehabilitation in Latin America: An unethical, inhumane and ineffective practice
Long-term compulsory rehabilitation cannot be justified on the grounds of effectiveness or ethics. The practice has also been associated with a number of human rights violations.
UNODC’s shifting position on drug policy: Progress and challenges
This International Drug Policy Consortium advocacy note offers an analyse on the changing rhetoric from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
HIV, harm reduction and drug policy in Kenya
This IDPC briefing paper reviews the recent developments in the response to HIV and illicit drug use in Kenya, and highlights some key recommendations to address the remaining challenges.
Drug use in prison: Assessment report
The EMCDDA report presents a review of tools for monitoring illicit drug use in prison population in Europe. It also describes the existing tools used at national level, to build a common European basis for data collection.
Would legalising illicit opioids reduce overdose fatalities? Implications from a natural experiment
This paper examines whether the provision of regulated and quality-controlled heroin to users in specified doses would reduce heroin overdose rates.
Beyond the hype: What sofosbuvir means — and doesn’t—for global hepatitis C treatment
Sofosbuvir’s estimated $80,000 USD price tag for a 12-week course makes it out of reach for nearly 90% of people living with hepatitis C worldwide who reside in low- and middle-income countries.
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