International Network of People sho Use Drugs (INPUD)
Is a global network that seeks to represent people who use drugs in an international agencies such as the United National and with those undertaking international development work. They believe that people who use drugs should be meaningfully represented in decision-making processes that affect our lives.
Intercambios, civil association for the study and assistance of drug related problems, is a non-governmental organization created in Buenos Aires in 1995. It was founded by a professional team with a wide knowledge about drug related problems and HIV/AIDS.
Know Drugs
Know Drugs seeks to facilitate an honest and open discussion about ALL kinds of drug use in the UK and beyond. We include alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical drugs in our remit.
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
LEAP is made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies.
Medical Journals is an online service primarily linking medical journals from around the world.
Methadone Anonymous Support
A non-profit support organisation/website for 'Medically Assisted Treatment' - for users dependent on opiates, whether prescribed or illicit, from substance abuse to chronic pain.
The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine is a general medical publication with a worldwide circulation. Issues alternate between collections of clinical papers in the whole spectrum of medical specialties and topical single-theme issues that explore one medical topic through articles written by outstanding medical authorities.
National Alliance of Methadone Advocates (NAMA)
NIDA was established in 1974, and in October 1992 it became part of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Resources. The Institute is organized into divisions and offices, each of which plays an important role in programs of drug abuse research.
National Library of Medicine
World's largest medical library and creator of Medline... Every significant program of the Library is represented, from medical history to biotechnology. We hope that the resources of the world's largest biomedical library will find ever wider useful application around the nation and around the world
Physicians for Human Rights
Is an independent organisation that uses medicine and science to stop mass atrocities and severe human rights violations against individuals.
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