Read here an interview with the members of the drug consumption room Odysseas, in Greece.

19 Feb 2014

The Organisation Against Drugs (ΟΚΑΝΑ) was established pursuant to Law 2161/93  ​ which was passed unanimously by the Greek Parliament, and has been operational since 1995 as a legal person that is governed by private law and reports to the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity.

Its constituent instrument stipulates that OKANA shall:

  • plan, promote, coordinate and implement a national policy on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts,
  • address the drug problem at a national level, provide valid and documented information, and raise public awareness,
  • establish and effectively manage prevention centres, treatment units and social and professional reintegration centres.

OKANA has always endeavoured to combine the roles of national coordinator and services and programmes provider in the fields of prevention, treatment and reintegration.

To hammer out and coordinate national drug policies, OKANA works together with national (ministries, treatment programmes, local government authorities, universities etc.), European and international organisations (the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations etc.). To look into the drug problem in Greece, OKANA works closely with the National Documentation and Information Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EKTEPN).

Click here to read the full interview with the Oddyseas drug consumption room members.


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