IDHDP at Venice Global Addiction Conference “Striving for equity of treatment for people who inject drugs.”
IDHDP had a major session at the conference on the importance of drug policy in the fight for equity for people who inject drugs.
17 Oct 2016The session was introduced with a reminder of the first phase of the “striving for equity campaign’ which looked at lack of equity in tems of pain relief around the world and introduced the forthcoming phases, which will be introduced over the coming months.
Doctors striving for equity for People who inject drugs
Presented by Dr Chris Ford, Clinical Director of IDHDP
This was followed by:
Why is HCV medication not available to all?
Presented By Dr Sam Bhima. Dr Bhima talks about why, although HCV treatment is extremely effective it is not available to all of our patients that need it.
Why is Naloxone that prevent so many overdose deaths not always available at overdose scenes?
A review of current obstacles by Professor Thomas Clausen who was unfortunately not able to attend to present this.
Drug Treatment – The Irish context
Presented by Dr Garrett McGovern, GP Specialising in Addiction Treatment.
Dr McGovern discusses the state of drug treatment in Ireland.
Doctors can lead the way to healthier drug policies – join IDHDP now
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