On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

Three reasons why scientific advice on drugs is ignored
18 Apr 2018
David Nutt, along with many other leading scientists, published a study a few years ago that showed how the overall harms associated with some legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, dramatically exceed the harms of some illegal drugs, such as cannabis, ecstasy and LSD – and even the harms of heroin and cocaine.
Drug policy - a human rights issue.
5 Apr 2018
Major shift in global drug policies: the Human Rights Council catches up with the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Indonesia criminal code overhaul a step backwards for drug policy
5 Apr 2018
Sweeping criminal sanctions proposed in Indonesian parliament could worsen the country's drug problem.
“Hepatitis C among people who use drugs – the global state and recommendations”
29 Mar 2018
Side event co-hosted by IDHDP at the 61st Session of CND at the UN in Vienna
Morphine as a human right
23 Mar 2018
Experts at UN event call for access to treatment for severe pain
Opioid Crisis & the Mass Incarceration Crisis
23 Mar 2018
The National Center for Health Statistics issued a preliminary report indicating more than 64,000 drug overdose deaths in 2016.
There needs to be more than a change in language if our care of people who use drugs is to improve
18 Feb 2018
The Global Commission on Drug Policy report identifies doctors and healthcare staff as the ones who can champion this change in language, recommending they take the lead in challenging misperceptions of this patient group but we argue that language may be a good start but we also need new attitudes
Opioid Hysteria Comes to Massachusetts Courts
16 Feb 2018
This month, Massachusetts became the first state to ban fentanyl and carfentanil from being brought into courthouses as exhibits, out of concern that these substances are simply too dangerous to be in public places.
The Stories of Women in Prison for Drug Related Crimes
16 Feb 2018
This series of short films about women imprisoned for drug offenses in Mexico documents the human cost of current drug policies and the specific conditions by which these laws disproportionately impact women and their families.
On World Cancer Day: Improve access to internationally controlled essential medicines
14 Feb 2018
World Cancer Day asks us to reflect on how we can play our part, as a collective or as individuals, in reducing the global burden of cancer.
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