On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

3 Oct 2018
Regulation: The Responsible Control of Drugs examines in detail how governments can take control of currently illegal drug markets through responsible regulation, thereby weakening criminal organizations that now profit from them.
Most Doctors Are Ill-Equipped to Deal With the Opioid Epidemic. Few Medical Schools Teach Addiction.
21 Sep 2018
Matthew DeFazio, center, a medical student at Boston University, asks a fictional patient, portrayed by Ric Mauré, right, about his drug use. Dr. Bradley M. Buchheit coaches.
Map: Drug Decriminalisation Around the World
4 Sep 2018
Many countries have enacted legislation, or have had court rulings, which have decriminalised personal drug possession. However the implementation of this approach is far from uniform; in some countries with decriminalisation, people continue to face prison sentences for possessing small quantities of drugs.
Drug deaths in Australia hit record high at 142 fatalities a month
4 Sep 2018
Australians are underestimating the danger of popular sleeping pills and sedatives "at their peril", as a record 142 people die every month in accidental drug overdoses, a major new report warns.
France: the changing characteristics of people living with HIV on hepatitis C treatment
14 Aug 2018
Fewer people living with HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) who have a history of injecting drug use and unstable housing are on newer, more effective HCV medication, new research from France finds.
Southeast Asia Drug Use Persists Despite Death Penalty
14 Aug 2018
Southeast Asian authorities are not shy about doling out the death penalty to punish drug traffickers, and yet narcotics abuse has not abated. If anything, it is on the rise, which begs the question of whether the region’s war on drugs is working.
Maryland hits record-high drug deaths, fueled by fentanyl (Update)
14 Aug 2018
Maryland, a state that already had one of the country's most punishing overdose mortality rates, notched a record-high number of drug deaths last year. The grim milestone was fueled by an alarming increase of fentanyl-related fatalities.
17 Jul 2018
Countries in Latin America should consider legalizing drugs to ease the human cost linked to the deadly trade, a United Nations chief has said.
Misuse of opioids such as tramadol and fentanyl is 'global epidemic', report finds
9 Jul 2018
UN figures reveal deepening opioid crisis in Africa, with cocaine and opium production at records levels worldwide
Doctors Should Be Handing Out Addiction Meds on Demand
2 Jul 2018
“Every dose of buprenorphine consumed is at least a dose of heroin not getting consumed, if not several.”
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