On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

China’s strong-arm approach to drug addiction does not work
29 Mar 2019
Rising numbers of people who use drugs suggest a need for a more subtle policy
Violence against women is overlooked in its role in opioid epidemic
29 Mar 2019
Many women in controlling and violent relationships “self-medicate” – or use drugs that are not prescribed to them to help with their medical condition – to mitigate the trauma of physical and sexual assault.
‘Why I want to legally regulate drugs’.
22 Mar 2019
The film, directed by Andrew Davies of Campaign Film is shot in the favelas of Sao Paulo. It provides honest testimonies from people directly affected by the failed ‘war on drugs’ in one of Brazil’s poorest cities.
UNAIDS Press Release
16 Mar 2019
Promises to improve health outcomes for people who inject drugs remain unfulfilled as 99% do not have adequate access to harm reduction services
15 Mar 2019
The Chief Executives Board of the UN, representing 31 UN agencies, has adopted a common position on drug policy that endorses decriminalisation of possession and use. This comes just days before a key meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna, which will review, the UN’s 10-year Global Drug Strategy, and plan for the next one.
Methadone is force for good' says doctor whose work in 1980s highlighted link between dirty needles and HIV
13 Mar 2019
Dr Roy Robertson passionately believes controversial opiate replacement therapy is the right treatment for those in the grip of heroin
This Black History Month (and All Year Long), Stop Ignoring Black Drug Policy Reformers
8 Mar 2019
Last year, the New York Times published a piece asking “30 experts to think big, but realistically, about solutions […] to address the opioid crisis.” Almost all of the experts were white. A clear majority were white men, and the panel appeared to include zero Black men.
The Opioid Crisis Isn’t White
7 Mar 2019
Contrary to media portrayals, overdose deaths are ravaging communities of color.
Guess Which Country Pays the Most for Illicit Drugs?
27 Feb 2019
The latest Bloomberg Global Vice Index, an annual price tracker of illicit drugs, reveals that Americans pay more for their illegal substances than residents of any other country in the world except for New Zealand (#2) and Australia (#1)—and drugs cost 40 percent more here than they did last year.
A Tale of Two Cities in the Grips of the Opioid Crisis
26 Feb 2019
Vancouver and Philadelphia are both facing overdose epidemics—but one city has found a way to keep people alive.
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