On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

HR19 Closing Ceremony - 1 May
3 May 2019
After a wonderful few days in Porto - IDHDP Board Member, Professor Carl Hart closes the HR19 conference
US drug company executives charged with fuelling opioid crisis
28 Apr 2019
Two former executives of a major US pharmaceutical company have been charged with conspiracy to distribute controlled substances in an unprecedented case.
Our Irrational Cruelty to Pregnant or Parenting People Who Use Drugs
27 Apr 2019
People who use drugs while pregnant and parenting are one of the most stigmatized populations in the United States.
B.C.’s chief health officer calls for decriminalization of illicit drugs
26 Apr 2019
British Columbia’s top public health officer is urging the province to decriminalize people who use and possess small amounts of illicit drugs in the province, calling it a “fundamental underpinning and necessary next step” in the response to the overdose crisis.
How the War on Drugs Attacks Indigenous Culture
20 Apr 2019
In an ongoing and under-publicised tragedy, indigenous peoples around the world routinely have their rights violated under the name of the global drug war.
To Address Addiction, Confront Racism in Our Health and Justice Systems
11 Apr 2019
Unless the USA acknowledges the deeply ingrained, continuing legacy of slavery and anti-black racism in both its public health and criminal justice systems, it will never make the transformational change that is needed.
War on drugs has helped cocaine traffickers conquer swathes of Central America, study suggests
7 Apr 2019
Almost 20 per cent of US drug control spending goes on attempts to intercept shipments, with a ‘dismal’ success rate
We Need More Focus on How the Drug War Attacks Parents of Color
6 Apr 2019
It would be hard to dispute that the War on Drugs, instigated by President Nixon in 1971, has deliberately targeted lower-income communities and communities of color.
Let’s Address Four Common Myths About Harm Reduction
5 Apr 2019
Despite considerable research evidence being available to dispel myths -confusion about common harm reduction strategies has stubbornly persisted in the wider population, preventing them from becoming mainstream.
Opioid Overreaction
30 Mar 2019
There is a real crisis. But the solution is flawed.
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