Benzodiazepine use among chronic pain patients prescribed opioids: Associations with pain, physical and mental health, and health service utilization
Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are commonly used by chronic pain patients, despite limited evidence of any long-term benefits and concerns regarding adverse events and drug interactions, particularly in older patients.
National Take-Home Naloxone (THN) Programme Scotland
In the decade 2002-2012 the number of drug-related deaths (DRDs) registered in Scotland increased and the rate of DRDs is higher than those seen in other parts of the UK.
INCB Report 2014
The INCB report highlights that despite the progress made in some regions, approximately three quarters of the world’s population live in countries with inadequate or non-existent access to medicines containing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which leads to unnecessary pain and suffering.
Casualties of war: How the war on drugs is harming the world’s poorest
The strict drug prohibition has not only failed to achieve its goals – it is fuelling poverty, undermining health, and failing some of the poorest and most marginalised communities worldwide.
Long-term self-treatment with methadone or buprenorphine as a response to barriers to opioid substitution treatment: The case of Sweden
Illicit use of methadone and buprenorphine involve risks but may also have important roles to play for users who are unwilling or not given the opportunity to enter OST.
"Like a lots happened with my whole childhood": Violence, trauma, and addiction in pregnant and postpartum women from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
In offering harm reduction services for poor and marginalized women, it is clear that an understanding of trauma must be integrated. It is recommended that service providers integrate trauma-informed care into their programme in order to offer this service in a trusted environment.
Proportion of patients in south London with first-episode psychosis attributable to use of high potency cannabis: A case-control study
This study published by The Lancet analyses how the availability of high potency cannabis in south London might have resulted in a greater proportion of first onset psychosis cases being attributed to cannabis use than in previous studies.
The pain project: Pain treatment in Uganda, India and Ukraine
The International Reporting Program traveled to Ukraine, Uganda and India to find out, and to document the human toll of the lack of access to morphine and pain treatment.
Prescription opioid duration of action and the risk of unintentional overdose among patients receiving opioid therapy
Clinicians weighing the benefits and risks of initiating different opioid regimens should consider not only the daily dose prescribed but also the duration of opioid action, favoring short-acting agents whenever possible, especially during the first 2 weeks of therapy.
Towards a healthier legal environment: A review of Myanmar's drug laws
This paper offers an overview of Myanmar’s current legal and policy framework related to drugs and outlines some international obligations and best practices.
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