Psychosocial intervention and medications in treating opioid use disorders: A review
Opioid overdose rates have risen to epidemic levels, underscoring the need for comprehensive treatment of opioid misuse.
Global prison trends 2016
It is behind the walls of places of detention that international commitments by Governments to respect human rights are perhaps most regularly put to the test.
European Drug Report 2016
A graphic-rich report summarising the latest trends across Europe.
Excellent summary of the outcomes of UNGASS by IDPC
Some views on the outcomes; the actual outcomes document and a list of full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate.
Exploring the effects criminal history and socioeconomic status have on racial and ethnic disparities in substance use treatment
Odds of receiving any treatment were 36% lower for blacks and 33% lower for Latinos compared to non-Latino whites.
Drug related hospital stays in Australia 1993 - 2014
This bulletin presents data on drug-related hospital separations in Australia from 1993-2014 for the following drug types: opioids, cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis.
Op-ed/Editorial: Overcoming the U.S. Substance Use Treatment Crisis Requires a Focus on Issues of Equity
This op-ed was written by Dr. Ben Cook, Director of the Health Equity Research Lab and the Center for Multicultural Mental Health Research at Cambridge Health Alliance. It is part of Special Series on Disparities in the Experience and Treatment of Addiction at BASIS.
Drugnet Europe 94
In this issue: 2016 EU Drug Markets Report | Monitoring illicit drugs in wastewater | UNGASS 2016 | Strengthening early warning on new synthetic opioids | New EMCDDA products and services | Upcoming ESPAD report | EMCDDA scientific paper award
I discovered the truth about Singapore’s ‘war on drugs’. Now I campaign against the death penalty
Kirsten Han, Singaporean journalist and activist, explains it is the poor who suffer in the war on drugs. She details how she became involved in campaigning against the death penalty, after seeing a 19 year old in the dock.
HCV Quest
The HCV Quest survey was designed to shine a spotlight on the experiences of patients around the world and to use insights from people living with the disease to drive awareness of the true burden of hepatitis C.
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