Drug-related deaths and mortality key epidemiological indicator
Drug-related mortality is a complex phenomenon, which accounts for a considerable percentage of deaths among young people in many European countries. The EMCDDA, in collaboration with national experts, has defined an epidemiological indicator with two components at present: deaths directly caused by illegal drugs (drug-induced deaths) and mortality rates among problem drug users.
International Overdose Awareness Day 2016 – August 31
On August 31 more people than ever before joined together and across the globe to remember people who have died or been injured as a result of overdose. The extraordinary outpouring of grief from around the world on our website and on our Facebook page showed that the campaign had successfully tapped into the silent suffering of thousands of people who face the stigma of overdose in their community.
Drug-related deaths in Scotland in 2015
Statistics of drug-related deaths in 2015 and earlier years, broken down by age, sex, selected drugs reported, underlying cause of death and NHS Board and council areas
Hepatitis C among drug users in Europe
Epidemiology, treatment and prevention
Hospital emergency presentations and acute drug toxicity in Europe
Update from the Euro-DEN Plus research group and the EMCDDA.
HIV, TB and Human Rights in Southern and East Africa: Report 2016
The HIV, TB & Human Rights in Southern and East Africa 2016 report examines the legal and regulatory framework for responding to HIV, AIDS and TB in countries in Southern and East Africa.
Left behind? A call to fund harm reduction and end AIDS among people who use drugs
Harm reduction interventions such as needle and syringe programmes have had a significant impact in reducing new HIV infections and saving lives. Yet financial support is extremely fragile, and political leadership is dwindling.
Hepatitis C in the UK: 2016 report
Working towards its elimination as a major public health threat.
Treatment as prevention among injecting drug users; extrapolating from the Amsterdam cohort study
The objective of this study was to determine the potential of treatment as prevention for reducing HIV incidence among injecting drug users (IDU).
HIV and related infections in prisoners 4
HIV, prisoners, and human rights.
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