The international drug control regime and access to controlled medicines
This TNI and IDPC publication explains why the lack of access to controlled medicines in many countries around the globe is an important indicator that the time is right to consider the revision of the international drug control treaties.
Correlates of heroin and methamphetamine use among homeless male ex-jail and prison offenders
This study highlights the need to understand unique correlates of both heroin and methamphetamine as they relate to jail and prison populations.
Members of the CND 2015
The CND is the central policy-making body for the UN drug control system. It is comprised of 53 UN member states that are elected by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Ongoing impact of HIV infection on mortality among people who inject drugs despite free antiretroviral therapy
HIV infection continues to have a persistent impact on mortality rates among people who inject drugs in settings with free HIV/AIDS care, although causes of death have shifted markedly from infectious and AIDS-related causes to non-AIDS-related etiologies.
Substance use and violence among youth: A daily calendar analysis
This study examined reasons for peer violence and the association between substance use and violence using daily calendar-based analyses among at-risk urban youth.
Access to opioid medication in Europe: Final report and recommendations to European Ministries of Health
This report presents the outcomes of the Access To Opioid Medication in Europe (ATOME) project that has developed tailor-made solutions for improved access to opioid medicines in European countries.
Data sources regarding the nonmedical use of pharmaceutical opioids in the United States
This article facilitates ongoing research, analysis, and evaluation of the non medical use of pharmaceutical opioids in the United States serving as a guide for researchers, policy makers, and others.
Barriers to care and treatment for patients with chronic viral hepatitis in Europe: A systematic review
This publication systematically reviews published data on barriers to management for chronic HBV/HCV patients in Europe.
A photo report on Swiss drug policy: Health, safety, public, order
This publication explores how Switzerland’s 4 pillars drug strategy has reduced drug-related crime, increased stability, eliminated open drug scenes, resulted in less initiations into heroin use and improved general health.
Drug policy in Sweden: A repressive approach that increases harm
The degree to which Sweden’s low prevalence of drug use can be attributed to its repressive approach is highly questionable, as research consistently shows that wider social, economic and cultural factors are the key drivers of drug prevalence – not the harshness of enforcement.
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