Association between alcohol and substance use disorders and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and unipolar depression: a nationwide, prospective, register-based study
Authors assessed the association between mortality and lifetime substance use disorder in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or unipolar depression.
Overdose Awareness Day
Harm Reduction Coalition affirms that we will not end the overdose crisis until we place people who use drugs, along with their families and friends, at the centre of our policies and strategies.
Orienting patients to greater opioid safety: models of community pharmacy-based naloxone
This case study briefly describes and provides two US state-specific examples of innovative policy models of pharmacy-based naloxone, implemented to reduce overdose events and improve opioid safety: Collaborative Pharmacy Practice Agreements and Pharmacy Standing Orders.
Extended-release naltrexone for alcohol and opioid problems in Missouri parolees and probationers.
Long-acting injectable naltrexone blocks the effects of opiates for about a month and has also helped dependent drinkers cut back. Treatment records in the US state of Missouri showed that among the few problem substance using offenders allocated to or who chose this treatment, a much higher proportion became abstinent than those offered other kinds of addiction treatment.
Countries, programme managers, health workers and other stakeholders have indicated the importance of consolidating World Health Organization (WHO) guidance for HIV testing services (HTS). Thus, this guidance brings together existing guidance relevant to the provision of HTS and addresses issues and elements for effective delivery of HTS that are common in a variety of settings, contexts and diverse populations.
The post-2015 drug strategy for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
At the meeting on drug matters in December 2014, ASEAN ministers agreed on the need for a new paradigm to manage the risk of drugs, with a new strategy that balances treatment and prevention on the one hand, and law enforcement on the other.
International Overdose Awareness Day: Overdose Stats
International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is a global event held on August 31st each year and aims to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. IOAD has released a fact sheet on overdose statistics across the globe.
International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care
IAHPC August newsletter containing several important invitations to participate in projects that help increase access to essential medicines such as morphine and other opioids.
An Injection of Reason: Critical Analysis of Bill C-2 (Q&A)
"Bill C-2 undermines the rights of people who use drugs to access lifesaving and health-protecting services." - Critical Analysis of Bill C-2.
Variation in mortality risk of people released from prison
There is an urgent need to scale up access to opioid substitution therapy in correctional and community settings globally to address mortality of people with opioid use disorders, particularly in the high-risk weeks after prison release.
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