Language, Substance Use Disorders, and Policy: The Need to Reach Consensus on an “Addictionary”
The language used to describe health conditions reflects and influences our attitudes and approaches to addressing them, even to the extent of suggesting that a health condition is a moral, social, or criminal issue.
Multi-national Panel at CND Side Event Reflects on Strategies to Improve the Availability of Controlled Medicines
The side event “Improving Access to Controlled Medicines in the Context of the SDGs,” was hosted by the Governments of Lithuania Panama, and Mexico, International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC), Human Rights Watch, and many partner NGOs.
Side event at 59th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Vienna, March 2016
‘Striving for equity in the treatment of severe pain.’
Fact file on ketamine
Ketamine is an essential medicine used for anaesthesia and analgesia (pain relief) in adults and children, having been listed on the WHO Essential Medicines List since 1985.
UNGASS, Pain campaign and IDHDP
In April, the United Nations will host a General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS), the most significant high-level international drug policy event in almost two decades will take place. The world will come together to talk about drugs. IDHDP has been working towards this meeting for the last 3 years and will be there to add our voice. We, like many others are calling for health, along with human rights to be center stage in the international drug control regime.
Kashi's Story
Written by Dr Nandini Vallath Consultant Pain Relief and Palliative Care Physician, Bangalore and Shailaja Vallath her cousin and friend.
Pre - Conference Plenary, Events in the Main Conference area, Events in the Global Village, Events off Site, Film Screen in the GV Screening Room.
After the Drug Wars
Report of the LSE Expert Group on the Economics of Drug Policy.
Negotiating the UNGASS outcome document: Challenges and the way forward
This IDPC advocacy note offers some reflections and recommendations on the negotiation process itself, and some recommendations on the overarching tone that should be reflected in the final document.
WFSA Fact Sheet: Ketamine
Ketamine is an essential medicine. It is the only anaesthetic that does not require oxygen, electricity, anaesthetic equipment, or trained anaesthesia providers, which remain limited in low and middle income countries.
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