Eastern Africa makes strides towards balanced drug policies
Challenges related to the drugs trade in Eastern Africa are far from being resolved. While it used to be mostly a transit point, domestic demand is increasing. In 2012, Africa is estimated to have received about 9% of the global heroin trade.
High Commissioner’s global update of human rights concerns
Annual Report and Oral Update by the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the activities of his Office and recent human rights developments Statement by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein
Drug dependence treatment in Thailand: Progress against persistent concerns
In 2016, the Kingdom of Thailand formally de- cided to re-allocate responsibility for drug de- pendence treatment from the Ministry of Jus ce (MOJ) to the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) by the end of 2018.
The UN’s Internal Struggle with Drug Policy
The UN General Assembly (GA) is responsible for passing the three main international drug conventions of 1961, 1971 and 1988 that shape modern drug policy. Specifically dedicated to drug policy are the UNODC and the CND. The INCB is a quasi-judiciary body with the task to oversee the implementation of the three conventions. Amongst these three entities, the support for the conventions and the prohibitionist approach is high. But what about other UN entities?
The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview 2017
This is the tenth year that Harm Reduction International (HRI) has been working on the death penalty for drug o ences and, regrettably, prohibitionist and punitive approaches to drugs continue to result in the execution of hundreds of people for non-violent drug o ences every year.
Human rights and the practice of medicine
The United Nations Special Rapporteur, Dainius Pūras, reflects on his career as a medical professional and why human rights in the day to day care of his patients became a powerful tool to strengthen his practice and ensure the dignity and well-being of those he served.
HIV and AIDS among adolescents who use drugs: opportunities for drug policy reform within the sustainable development agenda
Drug injection remains one of the drivers of new HIV infections due to punitive responses and lack of harm reduction resourcing. In the midst of this situation, adolescents are a forgotten component of the global response to illegal drugs and their link with HIV infection.
Will Myanmar complete its transition towards an evidence-based approach to drug control?
The recent publication of two single pieces of legislation - the amended 1993 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law and the first National Drug Control Policy - is likely to form the basis of Myanmar’s drug policy for several years to come. What does it mean for the country’s transition towards an evidence-based approach to drug control, and how can the gaps between the two documents be addressed?
Opioid Crisis & the Mass Incarceration Crisis
The opiate epidemic is directly involved with our mass incarceration crisis. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.
CND IDHDP side event
“Hepatitis C among people who use drugs – the global state and recommendations”
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