The Death Penalty for Drug Offences - Global Overview 2011
Global Overview 2011 – Shared Responsibility and Shared Consequences’ is the fourth report on the death penalty for drug-related offences produced by Harm Reduction International. In addition to providing a survey of international developments related to capital drug laws around the world, it focuses on foreign nationals sentenced to death and/or executed for drug-related offences.
EMCDDA Mortality related to drug use in Europe
The publication focuses on mortality among drug users due to all causes, of which drug-induced deaths (overdoses) is only a component, albeit the one most well-documented.
Implementation of evidence-based substance use disorder
This publication highlights the problematic use of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS)2 and how it has become a significant health and social problem in East and Southeast Asia, in particular the use of methamphetamine.
IDPC: Five Policy Principles
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) informs and assists policy makers and advocates as they approach the task of reforming laws addressing the HIV epidemic among people who use drugs.
Universal Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination in French Prisons: Breaking Down the Last Barriers
Addiction letter to the editor on introducing HBV vaccination strategy to prisons to reduce further infections.
HRI Universal Periodic Review of Indonesia at the Human Rights Council
The report focuses on the death penalty for drug offences, corporal punishment, drug treatment, injecting drug use, HIV/AIDS and the right to health.
Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch: Global Drugs Policy in 2010
Presentation Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch from Open Society Institute's (OSI) Global Drug Policy Program, at the Conference in Prague, 30th September 2010.
Harm Reduction International statement at the UN Human Rights Council - MDG 6 summit, Russia and harm reduction
This review is a civil society report on Indonesia submitted by Harm Reduction International, in partnership with LBH Masyarakat and Asian Harm Reduction Network.
Vienna Declaration - In 5 New Languages
The Vienna Declaration is now available in five more languages thanks to the European Drug Policy Initiative (EDPI).
Abuse in the Name of Treatment - Drug Detention Centers in Asia
A film by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union on compulsory drug detention centers in Asia is available online.
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