Global state of harm reduction 2014
The latest HRI report estimates around the response to drug-related HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis, and integrates updated information on harm reduction services into each regional chapter.
Parenting support for mothers and fathers with a drug problem: Issues and challenges for parents and healthcare professionals
Both parents and professionals tended to equate parenting support with managing drug dependence, rather than focusing on the wider, more holistic, factors. The parenting support agenda is largely overshadowed by the issue of ‘child protection’.
Wound botulism and drug use: What workers need to know
Botulism is an infection that is caused by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. Drugs can be contaminated with this bacterium at any point from being manufactured, during transportation when being cut with adulterants and during preparation for injection.
Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C treatment for patients in early stages of liver disease
New treatments for hepatitis C virus (HCV) may be highly effective but are associated with substantial costs that may compel clinicians and patients to consider delaying treatment.
Hepatitis C: Diagnostics technology landscape
This report describes the current continuum of testing for HCV, which is complex and expensive, which means that it is very challenging to implement in resource-limited settings.
Effectiveness of secondary prevention and treatment interventions for crack-cocaine abuse: A comprehensive narrative overview of English-language studies
No comprehensively effective ‘gold-standard’ prevention and treatment interventions for crack abuse exist; so concerted research towards improved interventions is urgently needed.
Drug policy in India
While India’s harsh drug control laws conform strictly with prohibition, its regulated opium cultivation industry provides insights for countries that are experimenting with alternatives to prohibition.
Mortality among drug users in Europe: New and old challenges for public health
More than 6 000 drug users die of overdose each year in the European Union, and most of these deaths occur among problem drug users and involve opioids.
Psychiatric comorbidity and opioid addiction-All-cause and cause-specific mortality
This study highlights the importance of assessment for PD and AUD in OUD patients in order to identify individuals at substantially elevated mortality risk to enable a more personalised approach to their medical care.
The Internet and drug markets: Summary of results from an EMCDDA Trendspotter study
This EMCDDA report explores how the speed with which the Internet is transforming drug markets poses a major challenge to law enforcement, public health, research and monitoring agencies.
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