Women who use drugs: Issues, needs, responses, challenges and implications for policy and practice
Background paper commissioned by the EMCDDA for Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide
Reducing opioid-related deaths
Key periods of increased risk follow periods of abstinence when tolerance is lost, particularly on leaving prison or abstinence-based treatment.
Heroin Assisted Treatment: the case for expanding uptake
Dr Alex Wodak writes for the October 2017 IDHDP Newsletter
Restrictions on free DAA access in many European countries contrary to guidelines and undermine HCV elimination targets, say researchers
The restrictions which many European countries impose on free/reimbursed access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) are contrary to guidelines and undermine the World Health Organization (WHO) goal to eliminate HCV as a major public health concern, new research suggests.
Global prevalence of injecting drug use and sociodemographic characteristics and prevalence of HIV, HBV, and HCV in people who inject drugs: a multistage systematic review
Sharing of equipment used for injecting drug use (IDU) is a substantial cause of disease burden and a contributor to blood-borne virus transmission. We did a global multistage systematic review to identify the prevalence of IDU among people aged 15–64 years; sociodemographic characteristics of and risk factors for people who inject drugs (PWID); and the prevalence of HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and hepatitis B virus (HBV) among PWID.
Edging forward: How the UN’s language on drugs has advanced since 1990
How the agreed UN language on drug control has evolved and developed over the last quarter of a century. To this end, this paper explores a selection of key themes by analysing the consensus-based language agreed by UN member states.
Is the UK's 2017 drug strategy fit for purpose?
The government acknowledges in the strategy that the rise in drug related deaths is “dramatic and tragic” but proposes no concrete action plan to reduce them.
Drugs-related deaths rapid evidence review: Keeping people safe
There is a clear trend of increasing deaths among older people with a drug problem in Scotland. This cohort are categorised as people aged over 35 who experience health and social harms related to his/her own use of drugs. As this cohort is likely to grow in size over the next five years in Scotland, the scope of this rapid evidence review was to respond to the specific risks and needs identified for this group of people. This report provides a synthesis of findings from the evidence based on the critical appraisal of systematic reviews and grey literature reports.
This report investigates and details the health-related harms, stigma and discrimination, service access and adherence barriers, as well as the impact of current (if existing) harm reduction strategies among PLHIV who use drugs.
Bridging the Gap - Health & Rights for Key Populations
As an alliance of nine organisations and networks we work towards the end of the AIDS epidemic among key populations together with more than 70 grassroots organisations. To get there we envision a society where sex workers, LGBT people and people who use drugs have their human rights fully respected.
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