Changing the way we talk about people who use drugs is a step towards challenging stigma
In a recent BMJ Opinion article, Ian Hamilton expressed his scepticism that “adopting a new vocabulary to describe people who have problems with drugs will reduce the stigma they experience.” I agree that language alone cannot reduce this kind of stigma or prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.
Training in addiction medicine should be standardised and scaled up
Most health systems lack sufficient doctors trained in addiction medicine to reduce the public health consequences of this increasing societal problem, writes J Klimas
A global picture of injecting drug use, HIV and anti-HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs, and coverage of harm reduction interventions
Understanding how many people inject drugs is critically important for the effective provision of public health and harm reduction services.
Palliative care makes only limited gains in Africa
Palliative care has increased in Africa over the past 12 years but only in a small subset of countries, according to a review published today in Lancet Oncology.
Staff regard towards working with substance users: a European multi-centre study
To compare regard for working with different patient groups (including substance users) among different professional groups in different health-care settings in eight European countries.
Avoid stigmatising language for people who use drugs, global commission urges
The report recommended that clinicians and healthcare professionals should be vocal in promoting evidence based prevention, treatment, and harm reduction services and should tackle perception based stigmas in healthcare settings.
IDUIT - Brief Guide for People who Use Drugs
This IDUIT Brief Guide for People who Use Drugs is intended to outline the key concepts of Implementing Comprehensive HIV and HCV Programs with People who Inject Drugs:
A Public Health Guide to Developing a COMMUNIT Y OVERDOSE RESPONSE PLAN
The purpose of this guide is to outline four key elements of a public health overdose response and suggest a process for implementing a community overdose response plan.
“It is easier for me to shoot up”: stigma, abandonment, and why HIV-positive drug users in Russia fail to link to HIV care
Many HIV-positive people who inject drugs (PWID) globally are not receiving HIV care. This represents a major challenge among key populations to end the global HIV epidemic. This qualitative study explored the process and associated barriers of linking HIV-positive PWID who are in addiction treatment to HIV care in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Avoid stigmatising language for people who use drugs, global commission urges
People who use drugs are unfairly stigmatised by being described in derogatory terms by some clinicians, politicians, and the media, a global report has said.
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