On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Are take-home naloxone programmes effective? Systematic review utilizing application of the Bradford Hill criteria
This systematic review assesses the effectiveness of take-home naloxone, with two aims: to study the impact of take-home naloxone distribution on overdose-related mortality; and to assess the safety of it in terms of adverse events.
No Health, No Help
Chaining, public humiliation, abduction, and prayer. If these were treatments offered for diabetes or heart disease, we would see them as cruel and abusive. Yet these are tactics used widely in centers for the “treatment and rehabilitation” of people who use drugs in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Focus on harm reduction in fight against HIV, says report
New HIV infections among people who inject drugs could be virtually eliminated by 2030 if a small percentage of global drug control spending is redirected towards harm reduction programmes, a new report has said.
The Alternative World Drug Report
The Count the Costs initiative aims to highlight the negative impacts of the war on drugs in key policy areas: security, development, human rights, public health, stigma and discrimination, crime, economics, children and young people, and the environment.
Opioid overdose death epidemic sensationalised at the cost of pain patients
By Willem Scholten, PharmD MPA, Consultant – Medicines and Controlled Substances, Willem Scholten Consultancy, Lopik, the Netherlands.
Investigating the role of benzodiazepines in drug-related mortality
A systematic review undertaken on behalf of The Scottish National Forum on Drug-Related Deaths.
Ending the HIV and hepatitis C epidemics amongst people who inject drugs. Support. Don’t punish
Support. Don’t Punish is a global advocacy campaign calling for better drug policies that prioritise public health and human rights.
Effectiveness of Scotland’s National Naloxone Programme for reducing opioid-related deaths: a before (2006–10) versus after (2011–13) comparison
To assess the effectiveness for Scotland’s National Naloxone Programme (NNP) by comparison between 2006–10 and 2011–13 and to assess cost-effectiveness.
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