On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

The International Journal of Drug Policy - Special focus on the Middle East and North Africa
The authors of the Special Issue on Drug Policy in MENA review the trends and challenges for the implementation of life-saving harm reduction services in the Middle-East and North Africa region.
UNODC World Drug Report 2016
Number of drug dependent adults up for first time in six years, now at 29 million says United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC.)
Negative outcomes of unbalanced opioid policy supported by clinicians, politicians, and the media
An article written by Willem Scholten & Jack E. Henningfield for the Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy.
Is treating addiction a crime?
By Dr Ashish Sharma who holds a MBBS, Diploma in Psychological Medicine (DPM) & Diplomate National Board (DNB) in Psychiatry degrees and Membership National Academy of Medical Science (MNAMS).  He describes how the psychiatrist community is still in a state of shock with fear of getting prosecuted for treating addiction patients, resulting in decreased availability of OST using buprenorphine and even if available the doctor is continuously scrutinized due to the falsely proclaimed 'banned' nature of the drug.
The Global Movement to Preserve Access to Ketamine and Raise Awareness of the Global Disparity in Access to Controlled Medicines
For the past 3 years, the medical community has rallied to oppose attempts to place ketamine, a medicine that is indispensable for anesthesia and pain relief in many developing countries, under restrictive international controls.
What is drug policy and why does it matter?
Text of a talk given by Alex Stevens, to the Canberra satellite of the 2016 conference of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy.
Actions speak louder than words: How to include people who use drugs in decisions that affect them
Written by Lynne Belle-Isle, PhD, for University of Victoria's "Matters of Substance Blog."
Taking a new line on drugs
This report seeks to explore a different approach to drug policy by setting out how we can move away from viewing drug use through an ideological lens and instead take an evidence-based approach aimed at improving and protecting the public’s health and wellbeing.
Harm Reduction International: Annual Report 2015
Annual report from Harm Reduction International, an international non-governmental organisation that works to reduce drug-related harms by promoting evidence-based public health policy and practices, and human rights - based approaches to drug policy through an integrated programme of research, analysis, advocacy and civil society strengthening.
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