On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Hepatitis infection - the end is nigh
Written by IDHDP Director, Graham Foster, Professor of Hepatology Queen Mary University of London. All of the modelling completed to-date suggests that treating those who are actively using drugs will dramatically reduce onward transmission of hepatitis C and many experts see treatment in those with on-going drug use as the key to control of the hepatitis C epidemic.
Drug-related deaths
It is completely unacceptable that in 2017 one can say, without doubt, “drug-related deaths have continued to rise in most areas”. Overdose and AIDS related mortality remain the leading causes of death in people who inject drugs (“PWID”). This is in spite of the fact that HIV in PWIDs is an easily preventable disease and the many interventions that are known to significantly reduce death by overdose.
The EASL treatment recommendations for Hepatitis C
Professor Frank Tacke works at the University Hospital, Aachen and is EASL Vice Secretary General and spoke at the Correlation Hepatitis C community summit in April 2017.
Recommendations for the management of hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs
The burden of HCV-related liver disease among people who inject drugs is increasing, but treatment uptake remains extremely low. There are a number of barriers to care which should be considered and systematically addressed, but should not exclude PWID from HCV treatment.
Surge in Glasgow HIV infection rate largest in 30 years
New figures show that the number of injecting drug users in the city diagnosed with the virus has risen by 600 per cent in the past year.
Global hepatitis report, 2017
This report describes, for the first time, the global and regional estimates on viral hepatitis in 2015, setting the baseline for tracking progress in implementing the new global strategy.
From hepatitis C researcher to peer: an academic and personal perspective
Written by Magdalena Harris. She draws on her journey as a person living with hepatitis C and as researcher - and how she has experienced and worked to bridge the researcher-peer divide in her own practice.
Prison-based prescriptions aid Scotland's National Naloxone Programme
Opioid overdose is a major cause of premature mortality not only in eastern Europe but in Scotland, as confirmed by the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
Dirk’s story
How successful treatment for HCV made such a difference. By Stefan Bratovanov and Tonny van Montfoort, CBuddies Project 2017
The language doctors and medical journals use to describe dependence has a real effect on patients
The language doctors and medical journals use to describe dependence has a real effect on patients. Journals have a responsibility to communicate clearly in ways that benefit patients. IDHDP & 4 other medical organisations call for respectful first-person language.
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