On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Overdose deaths in the UK: crisis and response
In January 2015 this hot topic tentatively relayed some good and not so good news: “The year 2013 may prove to have been a turning point in drug-related deaths in the UK.."
An opioid epidemic in this society, a pain crisis in others
Non-medical use of prescription opioids is now the fourth most-prevalent form of substance use in Canada; it trails only alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis.
Snapshot of addiction
10 interesting stats on the treatment of drug dependency across Australia, including uptake of opioid pharmacotherapy.
Spectrum: Drugs, addiction and the brain
For the fourth year running, the number of drug-related deaths in Germany has risen.
EMCDDA Update: Drug consumption rooms: an overview of provision and evidence
Supervised drug consumption facilities, have been operating in Europe for the last 30 years. They help to reduce the acute risks of disease transmission, prevent drug-related overdose deaths and connect high-risk people who use drugs with addiction treatment and other health and social services.
'Alarmingly high' risk of death for people with opioid use disorder in general medical care
Almost one-fifth of patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) in a large healthcare system died during a four-year follow-up period, reports a new study.
Why are senior citizens using more illicit drugs?
A perfect storm of alcohol and drugs is brewing for elders.
Thirty years of harm reduction in the Netherlands: HCV elimination in drug users ahead.
This article is based on a presentation given by Esther Croes at the Hepatitis Community Summit 2017 in Amsterdam, on April 19, 2017.
The unsung pillars of HCV elimination - Daniel Simões
The World Health Organization’s Global Strategy and Regional Action Plans for Hepatitis outline an ambitious scenario for 2030: eliminate viral Hepatitis as a public health threat.
Drug related deaths in the U.S.A.
The U.S. government does not track death rates for every drug. However, the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does collect information on many of the more commonly used drugs.
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