This conference seeks to encourage and support outstanding research in drug policy and will allow participants to present their latest findings, with the participation of leading international scholars and the broad community of drug policy.

22 May 2015 to 25 May 2015 |

The conference will be hosted by the Institute for Social Drug research (ISD) which is part of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty of Law, University of Ghent. The ISD, founded in 2002, is a research group that conducts and promotes internationally relevant scientific research regarding different aspects of drug consumption, the supply of drugs, and local, national and transnational drug policies.

The ISSDP Conference is a unique occasion to present your latest findings to an intellectually engaged, diverse and dedicated scholarly community, and to immerse yourself in the state of the art across the full spectrum of drug policy research, with the participation of leading international scholars. Besides the plenary sessions, the 2015 ISSDP conference will offer space for panel discussions, poster sessions, workshops, etc.

The International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) seeks to encourage and support outstanding research in drug policy. One of the ways we do this is by recognising, each year, the best paper presented by an early career scholar (i.e. within five years of his/her PhD) at the annual ISSDP scientific conference. The award for the best presentation by an early career scholar will be announced during the closing session of the conference.

Read here more information about the conference.

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