Hep C European Initiative, Hepatitis C and drug use
Hepatitis C is a Major Global Public Health Problem! ‘It’s time to change the treatment paradigm: HCV testing and treatment in community and low threshold settings’
3 Nov 2016 |In cooperation with the Auto-Support des Usagers de Drogues (ASUD), Association Gaia and the European Network of People Who Use Drugs (EURONPUD), the Correlation Hepatitis C Initiative organises a seminar for community members, harm reduction workers, HCV researchers and activists engaged in HCV prevention, treatment and advocacy. The seminar’s aim is to provide insights in newest developments in HCV testing and treatment opportunities, to present good practices of community and harm reduction based HCV activities and to exchange and discuss future opportunities.
The second day will take place in a venue of the first drug consumption room (DCR) in France (to be opened in October), and will highlight the concept and approach of DCR’s and presenting results of a survey on hcv awareness in drug consumption rooms worldwide, carried out by SidneyMSIC and the Drug Consumption Room Network.
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